wxc_sdk.status package

Webex Status API as described at https://status.webex.com/api

class wxc_sdk.status.Component(*, updatedAt: datetime | None = None, groupId: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, fedRAMP: bool | None, commercial: bool | None = None, createdAt: datetime | None = None, description: str | None = None, id: str | None = None, position: int | None = None, productGroup: str | None = None, status: str | None = None, isGroup: bool | None = None, components: list[str] | None = None, link: str | None = None, externalId: str | None = None, helpLink: str | None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

updated_at: datetime | None
group_id: str | None
name: str | None
fedramp: bool | None
commercial: bool | None
created_at: datetime | None
description: str | None
id: str | None
position: int | None
product_group: str | None
status: str | None
is_group: bool | None
components: list[str] | None
external_id: str | None
class wxc_sdk.status.IncidentUpdate(*, incidentId: str | None = None, externalId: str | None = None, updatedAt: datetime | None = None, createdAt: datetime | None = None, body: str | None = None, status: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

incident_id: str | None
external_id: str | None
updated_at: datetime | None
created_at: datetime | None
body: str | None
status: str | None
class wxc_sdk.status.Incident(*, updatedAt: datetime | None = None, resolvedAt: datetime | None = None, impact: str | None = None, incidentType: str | None = None, fedRAMP: bool | None, commercial: bool | None = None, change: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, createdAt: datetime | None = None, components: list[Component], incidentUpdates: list[IncidentUpdate], id: str | None = None, status: str | None = None, externalId: str | None = None, sourceId: str | None = None, changeId: str | None = None, publicationId: str | None = None, incidentNumber: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

updated_at: datetime | None
resolved_at: datetime | None
impact: str | None
incident_type: str | None
fedramp: bool | None
commercial: bool | None
change: str | None
name: str | None
created_at: datetime | None
components: list[Component]
incident_updates: list[IncidentUpdate]
id: str | None
status: str | None
external_id: str | None
source_id: str | None
change_id: str | None
publication_id: str | None
incident_number: str | None
class wxc_sdk.status.WebexStatus(*, indicator: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

indicator: str | None
class wxc_sdk.status.StatusSummary(*, incidents: list[Incident], components: list[Component], scheduledMaintenances: list[Incident], status: WebexStatus)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

incidents: list[Incident]
components: list[Component]
scheduled_maintenances: list[Incident]
status: WebexStatus
class wxc_sdk.status.StatusAPI(*, session: RestSession, base: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiChild

Webex Status API as described at https://status.webex.com/api

summary() StatusSummary[source]

Get a summary of the status page, including a status indicator, component statuses, unresolved incidents, and any upcoming or in-progress scheduled maintenances.


Status summary

Return type:


status() str[source]

Get the status rollup for the whole page. This response includes an indicator - one of green (operational), yellow (under_maintenance/degraded_performance/partial_outage), red (major_outage).


Webex status

Return type:


components() list[Component][source]

Get the components for the status page. Each component is listed along with its status - one of operational, under_maintenance,degraded_performance, partial_outage, or major_outage.


list of components

Return type:


unresolved_incidents() list[Incident][source]

Get a list of any unresolved incidents. This response will only return incidents in the Investigating, Identified, or Monitoring state.


list of incidents

Return type:


all_incidents() list[Incident][source]

Get a list of the 50 most recent incidents. This includes all unresolved incidents as described above, as well as those in the Resolved state.


list of incidents

Return type:


upcoming_scheduled_maintenances() list[Incident][source]

Scheduled maintenances are planned outages, upgrades, or general notices that you’re working on infrastructure and disruptions may occurr. A close sibling of Incidents, each usually goes through a progression of statuses listed below, with an impact calculated from a blend of component statuses (or an optional override).

Status: Scheduled, In Progress, or Completed

Impact: Maintenance


list of incidents

Return type:


active_scheduled_maintenances() list[Incident][source]

Get a list of any active maintenances. This response will only return scheduled maintenances in the In Progress state.


list of incidents

Return type:


all_scheduled_maintenances() list[Incident][source]

Get a list of the 50 most recent scheduled maintenances. This includes scheduled maintenances in Scheduled , In Progress or Completed state.


list of incidents

Return type:


base = 'status'
session: RestSession

REST session