
Code examples can be found in the examples directory on GitHub

Also take a look at the unit tests in the tests directory.

Get all calling users

Source: calling_users.py

 1#!/usr/bin/env python
 3Example script
 4Get all calling users within the org
 7from dotenv import load_dotenv
 9from wxc_sdk import WebexSimpleApi
13api = WebexSimpleApi()
15# using wxc_sdk.people.PeopleApi.list to iterate over persons
16# Parameter calling_data needs to be set to true to gat calling specific information
17# calling users have the attribute location_id set
18calling_users = [user for user in api.people.list(calling_data=True)
19                 if user.location_id]
20print(f'{len(calling_users)} users:')
21print('\n'.join(user.display_name for user in calling_users))

Get all calling users (async variant)

Source: calling_users_async.py

 1#!/usr/bin/env python
 3Example script
 4Get all calling users within the org using the (experimental) async API
 6import asyncio
 7import time
 9from dotenv import load_dotenv
11from wxc_sdk.as_api import AsWebexSimpleApi
16async def get_calling_users():
17    """
18    Get details of all calling enabled users by:
19    1) getting all calling users
20    2) collecting all users that have a calling license
21    3) getting details for all users
22    """
23    async with AsWebexSimpleApi(concurrent_requests=40) as api:
24        print('Collecting calling licenses')
25        calling_license_ids = set(lic.license_id for lic in await api.licenses.list()
26                                  if lic.webex_calling)
28        # get users with a calling license
29        calling_users = [user async for user in api.people.list_gen()
30                         if any(lic_id in calling_license_ids for lic_id in user.licenses)]
31        print(f'{len(calling_users)} users:')
32        print('\n'.join(user.display_name for user in calling_users))
34        # get details for all users
35        start = time.perf_counter()
36        details = await asyncio.gather(*[api.people.details(person_id=user.person_id, calling_data=True)
37                                         for user in calling_users])
38        expired = time.perf_counter() - start
39        print(f'Got details for {len(details)} users in {expired * 1000:.3f} ms')
42if __name__ == '__main__':
43    asyncio.run(get_calling_users())

Get all users without phones

Source: users_wo_devices.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3Get calling users without devices
  5import asyncio
  6import logging
  7import os
  8from itertools import chain
  9from typing import Optional
 11from dotenv import load_dotenv
 13from wxc_sdk import Tokens
 14from wxc_sdk.as_api import AsWebexSimpleApi
 15from wxc_sdk.common import UserType
 16from wxc_sdk.integration import Integration
 17from wxc_sdk.person_settings import PersonDevicesResponse
 18from wxc_sdk.scopes import parse_scopes
 21def env_path() -> str:
 22    """
 23    determine path for .env to load environment variables from; based on name of this file
 24    :return: .env file path
 25    """
 26    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.env')
 29def yml_path() -> str:
 30    """
 31    determine path of YML file to persist tokens
 32    :return: path to YML file
 33    :rtype: str
 34    """
 35    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.yml')
 38def build_integration() -> Integration:
 39    """
 40    read integration parameters from environment variables and create an integration
 41    :return: :class:`wxc_sdk.integration.Integration` instance
 42    """
 43    client_id = os.getenv('INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID')
 44    client_secret = os.getenv('INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET')
 45    scopes = parse_scopes(os.getenv('INTEGRATION_SCOPES'))
 46    redirect_url = 'http://localhost:6001/redirect'
 47    if not all((client_id, client_secret, scopes)):
 48        raise ValueError('failed to get integration parameters from environment')
 49    return Integration(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scopes=scopes,
 50                       redirect_url=redirect_url)
 53def get_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 54    """
 55    Tokens are read from a YML file. If needed an OAuth flow is initiated.
 57    :return: tokens
 58    :rtype: :class:`wxc_sdk.tokens.Tokens`
 59    """
 61    integration = build_integration()
 62    tokens = integration.get_cached_tokens_from_yml(yml_path=yml_path())
 63    return tokens
 66async def main():
 67    # get environment variables from .env; required for integration parameters
 68    load_dotenv(env_path())
 70    # get tokens from cache or create a new set of tokens using the integration defined in .env
 71    tokens = get_tokens()
 73    async with AsWebexSimpleApi(tokens=tokens) as api:
 74        # get calling users
 75        calling_users = [user for user in await api.people.list(calling_data=True)
 76                         if user.location_id]
 78        # get device info for all users
 79        user_device_infos = await asyncio.gather(*[api.person_settings.devices(person_id=user.person_id)
 80                                                   for user in calling_users])
 81        user_device_infos: list[PersonDevicesResponse]
 82        users_wo_devices = [user for user, device_info in zip(calling_users, user_device_infos)
 83                            if not device_info.devices]
 85        # alternatively we can collect all device owners
 86        device_owner_ids = set(owner.owner_id
 87                               for device in chain.from_iterable(udi.devices for udi in user_device_infos)
 88                               if (owner := device.owner) and owner.owner_type == UserType.people)
 90        # ... and collect all other users (the ones not owning a device)
 91        users_not_owning_a_device = [user for user in calling_users
 92                                     if user.person_id not in device_owner_ids]
 94    users_wo_devices.sort(key=lambda u: u.display_name)
 95    print(f'{len(users_wo_devices)} users w/o devices:')
 96    print('\n'.join(f'{user.display_name} ({user.emails[0]})'
 97                    for user in users_wo_devices))
 99    print()
100    users_not_owning_a_device.sort(key=lambda u: u.display_name)
101    print(f'{len(users_not_owning_a_device)} users not owning a device:')
102    print('\n'.join(f'{user.display_name} ({user.emails[0]})'
103                    for user in users_not_owning_a_device))
106if __name__ == '__main__':
107    # enable DEBUG logging to a file; REST log shows all requests
108    logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.log'),
109                        filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(threadName)s %(message)s')
110    asyncio.run(main())

Default call forwarding settings for all users

This example start with the list of all calling users and then calls wxc_sdk.person_settings.forwarding.PersonForwardingApi.configure() for each user. To speed up things a ThreadPoolExecutor is used and all update operations are scheduled for execution by the thread pool.

Source: reset_call_forwarding.py

 1#!/usr/bin/env python
 3Example script
 4Reset call forwarding to default for all users in the org
 6import asyncio
 7import logging
 8import time
10from dotenv import load_dotenv
12from wxc_sdk.all_types import PersonForwardingSetting
13from wxc_sdk.as_api import AsWebexSimpleApi
16async def main():
17    # load environment. SDk fetches the access token from WEBEX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable
18    load_dotenv()
20    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
22    # set to DEBUG to see the actual requests
23    logging.getLogger('wxc_sdk.rest').setLevel(logging.INFO)
25    async with AsWebexSimpleApi() as api:
27        # get all calling users
28        start = time.perf_counter_ns()
29        calling_users = [user for user in await api.people.list(calling_data=True)
30                         if user.location_id]
31        print(f'Got {len(calling_users)} calling users in '
32              f'{(time.perf_counter_ns() - start) / 1e6:.3f} ms')
34        # set call forwarding to default for all users
35        # default call forwarding settings
36        forwarding = PersonForwardingSetting.default()
38        # schedule update for each user and wait for completion
39        start = time.perf_counter_ns()
40        await asyncio.gather(*[api.person_settings.forwarding.configure(person_id=user.person_id,
41                                                                        forwarding=forwarding)
42                               for user in calling_users])
43        print(f'Reset call forwarding to default for {len(calling_users)} users in '
44              f'{(time.perf_counter_ns() - start) / 1e6:.3f} ms')
46if __name__ == '__main__':
47    asyncio.run(main())

Modify number of rings configuration for users read from CSV

Here we read a bunch of user email addresses from a CSV. The CSV as an ERROR column and we only want to consider users without errors.

For all these users a VM setting is updated and the results are written to a CSV for further processing.

Source: modify_voicemail.py

 1#!/usr/bin/env python
 3Example Script
 4Modifying number of rings configuration in voicemail settings
 5Run -> python3 modify_voicemail.py modify_voicemail.csv
 7import csv
 8import sys
 9import traceback
10from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
12from dotenv import load_dotenv
14from wxc_sdk import WebexSimpleApi
15from wxc_sdk.all_types import *
19# loading environment variables - use .env file for development
23def update_vm_settings():
24    """
25    actually update VM settings for all users present in input CSV
26    """
27    api = WebexSimpleApi()
28    final_report = []
29    mail_ids = []
30    # using wxc_sdk.people.PeopleApi.list to iterate over persons
31    # Parameter calling_data needs to be set to true to gat calling specific information
32    # calling users have the attribute location_id set
33    calling_users = [user for user in api.people.list(calling_data=True)
34                     if user.location_id]
35    print(f'{len(calling_users)} users:')
36    print('\n'.join(user.display_name for user in calling_users))
38    # get CSV file name from command line
39    with open(str(sys.argv[1]), 'r') as csv_file:
40        reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
41        # read all records from CSV. Ony consider records w/o error
42        for col in reader:
43            if not col['ERROR']:
44                # collect email address from USERNAME column for further processing
45                mail_ids.append(col['USERNAME'])
46            else:
47                final_report.append((col['USERNAME'], 'FAILED DUE TO ERROR REASON IN INPUT FILE'))
49    # work on calling users that have an email address that we read from the CSV
50    filteredUsers = [d for d in calling_users if d.emails[0] in mail_ids]
52    print("\nCalling Users in CI  - Count ", len(calling_users))
53    print("Mail IDs from input file after removing error columns - Count ", len(mail_ids))
54    print("FilteredUsers Users -  Count", len(filteredUsers))
56    def set_number_of_rings(user: Person):
57        """
58        Read VM config for a user
59        :param user: user to update
60        """
61        try:
62            # shortcut
63            vm = api.person_settings.voicemail
65            # Read Current configuration
66            vm_settings = vm.read(person_id=user.person_id)
67            print(f'\n Existing Configuration: {vm_settings} ')
69            # Modify number of rings value
70            vm_settings.send_unanswered_calls.number_of_rings = VOICEMAIL_SETTINGS_NUMBER_OF_RINGS
71            vm.configure(person_id=user.person_id, settings=vm_settings)
72            # Read configuration after changes
73            vm_settings = vm.read(person_id=user.person_id)
74            print(f'\n New Configuration: {vm_settings} ')
75            final_report.append((user.display_name, 'SUCCESS'))
76        except Exception as e:
77            final_report.append((user.display_name, 'FAILURE'))
78            print("type error: " + str(e))
79            print(traceback.format_exc())
80        return
82    # Modify settings for the filtered users
83    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
84        list(pool.map(lambda user: set_number_of_rings(user),
85                      filteredUsers))
87    print(final_report)
88    with open('output.csv', 'w') as f:
89        write = csv.writer(f)
90        write.writerow(["USERNAME", "STATUS"])
91        write.writerows(final_report)
94if __name__ == '__main__':
95    update_vm_settings()

Holiday schedule w/ US national holidays for all US locations

This example uses the Calendarific API at https://calendarific.com/ to get a list of national US holidays and creates a “National Holidays” holiday schedule for all US locations with all these national holidays.

A rudimentary API implementation in calendarific.py is used for the requests to https://calendarific.com/. Calendarific APIs require all requests to be authenticated using an API key. You can sign up for a free account to get a free API account key which then is read from environment variable CALENDARIFIC_KEY.

Source: us_holidays.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3Example script
  4Create a holiday schedule for all US locations with all national holidays
  7import logging
  8from collections import defaultdict
  9from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
 10from datetime import date
 11from threading import Lock
 12from typing import List
 14from dotenv import load_dotenv
 16from calendarific import CalendarifiyApi, Holiday
 17from wxc_sdk import WebexSimpleApi
 18from wxc_sdk.locations import Location
 19from wxc_sdk.all_types import ScheduleType, Event, Schedule
 21log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 23# a lock per location to protect observe_in_location()
 24location_locks: dict[str, Lock] = defaultdict(Lock)
 26# Use parallel threads for provisioning?
 29# True: delete holiday schedule instead of creating one
 30CLEAN_UP = False
 32# first and last year for which to create public holiday events
 33FIRST_YEAR = 2022
 34LAST_YEAR = 2024
 39def observe_in_location(*, api: WebexSimpleApi, location: Location, holidays: List[Holiday]):
 40    """
 41    create/update a "National Holiday" schedule in one location
 43    :param api: Webex api
 44    :type api: WebexSimpleApi
 45    :param location: location to work on
 46    :type location: Location
 47    :param holidays: list of holidays to observe
 48    :type holidays: List[Holiday]
 49    """
 50    # there should always only one thread messing with the holiday schedule of a location
 51    with location_locks[location.location_id]:
 52        year = holidays[0].date.year
 53        schedule_name = 'National Holidays'
 55        # shortcut
 56        ats = api.telephony.schedules
 58        # existing "National Holiday" schedule or None
 59        schedule = next((schedule
 60                         for schedule in ats.list(obj_id=location.location_id,
 61                                                  schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
 62                                                  name=schedule_name)
 63                         if schedule.name == schedule_name),
 64                        None)
 65        if CLEAN_UP:
 66            if schedule:
 67                log.info(f'Delete schedule {schedule.name} in location {schedule.location_name}')
 68                ats.delete_schedule(obj_id=location.location_id,
 69                                    schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
 70                                    schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id)
 71            return
 72        if schedule:
 73            # we need the details: list response doesn't have events
 74            schedule = ats.details(obj_id=location.location_id,
 75                                   schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
 76                                   schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id)
 77        # create list of desired schedule entries
 78        #   * one per holiday
 79        #   * only future holidays
 80        #   * not on a Sunday
 81        today = date.today()
 82        events = [Event(name=f'{holiday.name} {holiday.date.year}',
 83                        start_date=holiday.date,
 84                        end_date=holiday.date,
 85                        all_day_enabled=True)
 86                  for holiday in holidays
 87                  if holiday.date >= today and holiday.date.weekday() != 6]
 89        if not schedule:
 90            # create new schedule
 91            log.debug(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): no existing schedule')
 92            if not events:
 93                log.info(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): no existing schedule, no events, done')
 94                return
 95            schedule = Schedule(name=schedule_name,
 96                                schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
 97                                events=events)
 98            log.debug(
 99                f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): creating schedule "{schedule_name}" with {len(events)} '
100                f'events')
101            schedule_id = ats.create(obj_id=location.location_id, schedule=schedule)
102            log.info(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): new schedule id: {schedule_id}, done')
103            return
105        # update existing schedule
106        with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
107            # delete existing events in the past
108            to_delete = [event
109                         for event in schedule.events
110                         if event.start_date < today]
111            if to_delete:
112                log.debug(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): deleting {len(to_delete)} outdated events')
113                if USE_THREADING:
114                    list(pool.map(
115                        lambda event: ats.event_delete(obj_id=location.location_id,
116                                                       schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
117                                                       schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id,
118                                                       event_id=event.event_id),
119                        to_delete))
120                else:
121                    for event in to_delete:
122                        ats.event_delete(obj_id=location.location_id,
123                                         schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
124                                         schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id,
125                                         event_id=event.event_id)
127            # add events which don't exist yet
128            existing_dates = set(event.start_date
129                                 for event in schedule.events)
130            to_add = [event
131                      for event in events
132                      if event.start_date not in existing_dates]
133            if not to_add:
134                log.info(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): no events to add, done.')
135                return
136            log.debug(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): creating {len(to_add)} new events.')
137            if USE_THREADING:
138                list(pool.map(
139                    lambda event: ats.event_create(
140                        obj_id=location.location_id,
141                        schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
142                        schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id,
143                        event=event),
144                    to_add))
145            else:
146                for event in to_add:
147                    ats.event_create(
148                        obj_id=location.location_id,
149                        schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
150                        schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id,
151                        event=event)
152        log.info(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): done.')
153    return
156def observe_national_holidays(*, api: WebexSimpleApi, locations: List[Location],
157                              year: int = None):
158    """
159    US national holidays for given locations
161    :param api: Webex api
162    :type api: WebexSimpleApi
163    :param locations: list of locations in which US national holidays should be observed
164    :type locations: List[Location]
165    :param year: year for national holidays. Default: current year
166    :type year: int
167    """
168    # default: this year
169    year = year or date.today().year
171    # get national holidays for specified year
172    holidays = CalendarifiyApi().holidays(country='US', year=year, holiday_type='national')
174    # update holiday schedule for each location
175    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
176        if USE_THREADING:
177            list(pool.map(
178                lambda location: observe_in_location(api=api, location=location, holidays=holidays),
179                locations))
180        else:
181            for location in locations:
182                observe_in_location(api=api, location=location, holidays=holidays)
183    return
186if __name__ == '__main__':
187    # read dotenv which has some environment variables like Webex API token and Calendarify
188    # API key.
189    load_dotenv()
191    # enable logging
192    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
193                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(threadName)s %(name)s: %(message)s')
194    logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.INFO)
195    logging.getLogger('wxc_sdk.rest').setLevel(logging.INFO)
197    # the actual action
198    with WebexSimpleApi(concurrent_requests=5) as wx_api:
199        # get all US locations
200        log.info('Getting locations...')
201        us_locations = [location
202                        for location in wx_api.locations.list()
203                        if location.address.country == 'US']
205        # set up location locks
206        # location_locks is a defaultdict -> accessing with all potential keys creates the locks
207        list(location_locks[loc.location_id] for loc in us_locations)
209        # create national holiday schedule for given year(s) and locations
210        if USE_THREADING:
211            with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
212                list(pool.map(
213                    lambda year: observe_national_holidays(api=wx_api, year=year, locations=us_locations),
214                    range(FIRST_YEAR, LAST_YEAR + 1)))
215        else:
216            for year in range(FIRST_YEAR, LAST_YEAR + 1):
217                observe_national_holidays(api=wx_api, year=year, locations=us_locations)

Holiday schedule w/ US national holidays for all US locations (async variant)

This example uses the Calendarific API at https://calendarific.com/ to get a list of national US holidays and creates a “National Holidays” holiday schedule for all US locations with all these national holidays.

A rudimentary API implementation in calendarific.py is used for the requests to https://calendarific.com/. Calendarific APIs require all requests to be authenticated using an API key. You can sign up for a free account to get a free API account key which then is read from environment variable CALENDARIFIC_KEY.

Source: us_holidays_async.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3Example script
  4Create a holiday schedule for all US locations with all national holidays
  6Using the asyc SDK variant
  8import asyncio
  9import functools
 10import logging
 11from collections import defaultdict
 12from datetime import date
 13from typing import List
 15from dotenv import load_dotenv
 17from calendarific import CalendarifiyApi, Holiday
 18from wxc_sdk.all_types import ScheduleType, Event, Schedule
 19from wxc_sdk.as_api import AsWebexSimpleApi
 20from wxc_sdk.locations import Location
 22log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 24# a lock per location to protect observe_in_location()
 25location_locks: dict[str, asyncio.Lock] = defaultdict(asyncio.Lock)
 27# Use parallel tasks for provisioning?
 28USE_TASKS = True
 30# True: delete holiday schedule instead of creating one
 31CLEAN_UP = False
 33# first and last year for which to create public holiday events
 34FIRST_YEAR = 2022
 35LAST_YEAR = 2024
 40async def observe_in_location(*, api: AsWebexSimpleApi, location: Location, holidays: List[Holiday]):
 41    """
 42    create/update a "National Holiday" schedule in one location
 44    :param api: Webex api
 45    :type api: WebexSimpleApi
 46    :param location: location to work on
 47    :type location: Location
 48    :param holidays: list of holidays to observe
 49    :type holidays: List[Holiday]
 50    """
 51    # there should always only one thread messing with the holiday schedule of a location
 52    async with location_locks[location.location_id]:
 53        year = holidays[0].date.year
 54        schedule_name = 'National Holidays'
 56        # shortcut
 57        ats = api.telephony.schedules
 59        # existing "National Holiday" schedule or None
 60        schedule = next((schedule
 61                         for schedule in await ats.list(obj_id=location.location_id,
 62                                                        schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
 63                                                        name=schedule_name)
 64                         if schedule.name == schedule_name),
 65                        None)
 66        if CLEAN_UP:
 67            if schedule:
 68                log.info(f'Delete schedule {schedule.name} in location {schedule.location_name}')
 69                await ats.delete_schedule(obj_id=location.location_id,
 70                                          schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
 71                                          schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id)
 72            return
 73        if schedule:
 74            # we need the details: list response doesn't have events
 75            schedule = await ats.details(obj_id=location.location_id,
 76                                         schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
 77                                         schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id)
 78        # create list of desired schedule entries
 79        #   * one per holiday
 80        #   * only future holidays
 81        #   * not on a Sunday
 82        today = date.today()
 83        events = [Event(name=f'{holiday.name} {holiday.date.year}',
 84                        start_date=holiday.date,
 85                        end_date=holiday.date,
 86                        all_day_enabled=True)
 87                  for holiday in holidays
 88                  if holiday.date >= today and holiday.date.weekday() != 6]
 90        if not schedule:
 91            # create new schedule
 92            log.debug(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): no existing schedule')
 93            if not events:
 94                log.info(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): no existing schedule, no events, done')
 95                return
 96            schedule = Schedule(name=schedule_name,
 97                                schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
 98                                events=events)
 99            log.debug(
100                f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): creating schedule "{schedule_name}" with {len(events)} '
101                f'events')
102            schedule_id = await ats.create(obj_id=location.location_id, schedule=schedule)
103            log.info(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): new schedule id: {schedule_id}, done')
104            return
106        # update existing schedule
107        # delete existing events in the past
108        to_delete = [event
109                     for event in schedule.events
110                     if event.start_date < today]
111        if to_delete:
112            log.debug(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): deleting {len(to_delete)} outdated events')
113            if USE_TASKS:
114                await asyncio.gather(*[ats.event_delete(obj_id=location.location_id,
115                                                        schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
116                                                        schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id,
117                                                        event_id=event.event_id)
118                                       for event in to_delete])
119            else:
120                for event in to_delete:
121                    await ats.event_delete(obj_id=location.location_id,
122                                           schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
123                                           schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id,
124                                           event_id=event.event_id)
126        # add events which don't exist yet
127        existing_dates = set(event.start_date
128                             for event in schedule.events)
129        to_add = [event
130                  for event in events
131                  if event.start_date not in existing_dates]
132        if not to_add:
133            log.info(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): no events to add, done.')
134            return
135        log.debug(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): creating {len(to_add)} new events.')
136        if USE_TASKS:
137            await asyncio.gather(*[ats.event_create(obj_id=location.location_id,
138                                                    schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
139                                                    schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id,
140                                                    event=event)
141                                   for event in to_add])
142        else:
143            for event in to_add:
144                await ats.event_create(obj_id=location.location_id,
145                                       schedule_type=ScheduleType.holidays,
146                                       schedule_id=schedule.schedule_id,
147                                       event=event)
148        log.info(f'observe_in_location({location.name}, {year}): done.')
149    return
152async def observe_national_holidays(*, api: AsWebexSimpleApi, locations: List[Location],
153                                    year: int = None):
154    """
155    US national holidays for given locations
157    :param api: Webex api
158    :type api: WebexSimpleApi
159    :param locations: list of locations in which US national holidays should be observed
160    :type locations: List[Location]
161    :param year: year for national holidays. Default: current year
162    :type year: int
163    """
164    # default: this year
165    year = year or date.today().year
167    # get national holidays for specified year
168    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
169    # avoid sync all:
170    # holidays = CalendarifiyApi().holidays(country='US', year=year, holiday_type='national')
171    holidays = await loop.run_in_executor(None, functools.partial(CalendarifiyApi().holidays,
172                                                                  country='US', year=year, holiday_type='national'))
174    # update holiday schedule for each location
175    if USE_TASKS:
176        await asyncio.gather(*[observe_in_location(api=api, location=location, holidays=holidays)
177                               for location in locations])
178    else:
179        for location in locations:
180            await observe_in_location(api=api, location=location, holidays=holidays)
181    return
184if __name__ == '__main__':
185    # read dotenv which has some environment variables like Webex API token and Calendarify
186    # API key.
187    load_dotenv()
189    # enable logging
190    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
191                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(threadName)s %(name)s: %(message)s')
192    logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.INFO)
193    logging.getLogger('wxc_sdk.as_rest').setLevel(logging.INFO)
195    # the actual action
196    async def do_provision():
198        async with AsWebexSimpleApi(concurrent_requests=5) as wx_api:
199            # get all US locations
200            log.info('Getting locations...')
201            us_locations = [location
202                            for location in await wx_api.locations.list()
203                            if location.address.country == 'US']
205            # set up location locks
206            # location_locks is a defaultdict -> accessing with all potential keys creates the locks
207            list(location_locks[loc.location_id] for loc in us_locations)
209            # create national holiday schedule for given year(s) and locations
210            if USE_TASKS:
211                await asyncio.gather(*[observe_national_holidays(api=wx_api, year=year, locations=us_locations)
212                                       for year in range(FIRST_YEAR, LAST_YEAR + 1)])
213            else:
214                for year in range(FIRST_YEAR, LAST_YEAR + 1):
215                    await observe_national_holidays(api=wx_api, year=year, locations=us_locations)
217    asyncio.run(do_provision())

Persist tokens and obtain new tokens interactively

A typical problem specifically when creating CLI scripts is how to obtain valid access tokens for the API operations. If your code wants to invoke Webex REST APIs on behalf of a user then an integration is needed. The concepts of integrations are explained at the “Integrations” page on developer.cisco.com.

This example code shows how an OAUth Grant flow for an integration can be initiated from a script by using the Python webbrowser module and calling the open() method with the authorization URL of a given integration to open that URL in the system web browser. The user can then authenticate and grant access to the integration. In the last step of a successful authorization flow the web browser is redirected to the redirect_url of the integration.

The example code starts a primitive web server serving GET requests to http://localhost:6001/redirect. This URL has to be the redirect URL of the integration you create under My Webex Apps on developer.webex.com.

The sample script reads the integration parameters from environment variables (TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID, TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET, TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SCOPES). These variables can also be defined in get_tokens.env in the current directory:

# rename this to get_tokens.env and set values

# client ID for integration to be used.

# client secret of integration

# scopes to request. Use these scopes when creating the integration at developer.webex.com
# scopes can be in any form supported by wxc_sdk.scopes.parse_scopes()
TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SCOPES="spark:calls_write spark:kms spark:calls_read spark-admin:telephony_config_read spark:people_read"

The sample code persists the tokens in get_tokens.yml in the current directory. On startup the sample code tries to read tokens from that file. If needed a new access token is obtained using the refresh token.

An OAuth flow is only initiated if no (valid) tokens could be read from get_tokens.yml

Source: get_tokens.py

 1#!/usr/bin/env python
 3Example script
 4read tokens from file or interactively obtain token by starting a local web server and open the authorization URL in
 5the local web browser
 7import logging
 8import os
 9from typing import Optional
11from dotenv import load_dotenv
13from wxc_sdk import WebexSimpleApi
14from wxc_sdk.integration import Integration
15from wxc_sdk.scopes import parse_scopes
16from wxc_sdk.tokens import Tokens
18log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
21def env_path() -> str:
22    """
23    determine path for .env to load environment variables from
25    :return: .env file path
26    """
27    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.env')
30def yml_path() -> str:
31    """
32    determine path of YML file to persist tokens
34    :return: path to YML file
35    :rtype: str
36    """
37    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.yml')
40def build_integration() -> Integration:
41    """
42    read integration parameters from environment variables and create an integration
44    :return: :class:`wxc_sdk.integration.Integration` instance
45    """
46    client_id = os.getenv('TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID')
47    client_secret = os.getenv('TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET')
48    scopes = parse_scopes(os.getenv('TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SCOPES'))
49    redirect_url = 'http://localhost:6001/redirect'
50    if not all((client_id, client_secret, scopes)):
51        raise ValueError('failed to get integration parameters from environment')
52    return Integration(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scopes=scopes,
53                       redirect_url=redirect_url)
56def get_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
57    """
59    Tokens are read from a YML file. If needed an OAuth flow is initiated.
61    :return: tokens
62    :rtype: :class:`wxc_sdk.tokens.Tokens`
63    """
65    integration = build_integration()
66    tokens = integration.get_cached_tokens_from_yml(yml_path=yml_path())
67    return tokens
70if __name__ == '__main__':
71    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
73    # load environment variables from .env
74    path = env_path()
75    log.info(f'reading {path}')
76    load_dotenv(env_path())
78    tokens = get_tokens()
80    # use the tokens to get identity of authenticated user
81    api = WebexSimpleApi(tokens=tokens)
82    me = api.people.me()
83    print(f'authenticated as {me.display_name} ({me.emails[0]}) ')

Read/update call intercept settings of a user

usage: call_intercept.py [-h] [–token TOKEN] user_email [{on,off}]

positional arguments:
user_email email address of user
{on,off} operation to apply

-h, –help show this help message and exit
–token TOKEN admin access token to use

The script uses the access token passed via the CLI, reads one from the WEBEX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable or obtains tokens via an OAuth flow. For the last option the integration parameters are read from environment variables which can be set in a .env file

Source: call_intercept.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3Script to read/update call intercept settings of a calling user.
  5The script uses the access token passed via the CLI, reads one from the WEBEX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable or
  6obtains tokens via an OAuth flow.
  8    usage: call_intercept.py [-h] [--token TOKEN] user_email [{on,off}]
 10    positional arguments:
 11      user_email     email address of user
 12      {on,off}       operation to apply
 14    options:
 15      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
 16      --token TOKEN  admin access token to use
 18import argparse
 19import logging
 20import os
 21import re
 22import sys
 23from json import loads
 24from typing import Optional
 26from dotenv import load_dotenv
 27from wxc_sdk import WebexSimpleApi
 28from wxc_sdk.integration import Integration
 29from wxc_sdk.person_settings.call_intercept import InterceptSetting
 30from wxc_sdk.rest import RestError
 31from wxc_sdk.scopes import parse_scopes
 32from wxc_sdk.tokens import Tokens
 33from yaml import safe_dump, safe_load
 35log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 38def env_path() -> str:
 39    """
 40    determine path for .env to load environment variables from
 42    :return: .env file path
 43    """
 44    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.env')
 47def yml_path() -> str:
 48    """
 49    determine path of YML file to persist tokens
 51    :return: path to YML file
 52    :rtype: str
 53    """
 54    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.yml')
 57def build_integration() -> Integration:
 58    """
 59    read integration parameters from environment variables and create an integration
 61    :return: :class:`wxc_sdk.integration.Integration` instance
 62    """
 63    client_id = os.getenv('TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID')
 64    client_secret = os.getenv('TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET')
 65    scopes = os.getenv('TOKEN_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SCOPES')
 66    if scopes:
 67        scopes = parse_scopes(scopes)
 68    if not all((client_id, client_secret, scopes)):
 69        raise ValueError('failed to get integration parameters from environment')
 70    redirect_url = 'http://localhost:6001/redirect'
 71    return Integration(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scopes=scopes,
 72                       redirect_url=redirect_url)
 75def get_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 76    """
 78    Tokens are read from a YML file. If needed an OAuth flow is initiated.
 80    :return: tokens
 81    :rtype: :class:`wxc_sdk.tokens.Tokens`
 82    """
 84    def write_tokens(tokens_to_cache: Tokens):
 85        with open(yml_path(), mode='w') as f:
 86            safe_dump(loads(tokens_to_cache.json()), f)
 87        return
 89    def read_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 90        try:
 91            with open(yml_path(), mode='r') as f:
 92                data = safe_load(f)
 93                tokens_read = Tokens.model_validate(data)
 94        except Exception as e:
 95            log.info(f'failed to read tokens from file: {e}')
 96            tokens_read = None
 97        return tokens_read
 99    integration = build_integration()
100    tokens = integration.get_cached_tokens(read_from_cache=read_tokens,
101                                           write_to_cache=write_tokens)
102    return tokens
105RE_EMAIL = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$")
108def email_type(value):
109    if not RE_EMAIL.match(value):
110        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"'{value}' is not a valid email")
111    return value
114def main():
115    """
116    where the magic happens
117    """
118    # read .env file with the settings for the integration to be used to obtain tokens
119    load_dotenv(env_path())
121    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
122    parser.add_argument('user_email', type=email_type, help='email address of user')
123    parser.add_argument('on_off', choices=['on', 'off'], nargs='?', help='operation to apply')
124    parser.add_argument('--token', type=str, required=False, help='admin access token to use')
125    args = parser.parse_args()
127    if args.token:
128        tokens = args.token
129    elif (tokens := os.getenv('WEBEX_ACCESS_TOKEN')) is None:
130        tokens = get_tokens()
132    if not tokens:
133        print('Failed to get tokens', file=sys.stderr)
134        exit(1)
136    # set level to DEBUG to see debug of REST requests
137    logging.basicConfig(level=(gt := getattr(sys, 'gettrace', None)) and gt() and logging.DEBUG or logging.INFO)
139    with WebexSimpleApi(tokens=tokens) as api:
140        # get user
141        email = args.user_email.lower()
142        user = next((user
143                     for user in api.people.list(email=email)
144                     if user.emails[0] == email), None)
145        if user is None:
146            print(f'User "{email}" not found', file=sys.stderr)
147            exit(1)
149        # display call intercept status
150        try:
151            intercept = api.person_settings.call_intercept.read(user.person_id)
152        except RestError as e:
153            print(f'Failed to read call intercept settings: {e.response.status_code}, {e.description}')
154            exit(1)
156        print('on' if intercept.enabled else 'off')
157        if args.on_off:
158            # action: turn on/off
159            intercept = InterceptSetting.default()
160            intercept.enabled = args.on_off == 'on'
161            try:
162                api.person_settings.call_intercept.configure(user.person_id,
163                                                             intercept=intercept)
164            except RestError as e:
165                print(f'Failed to update call intercept settings: {e.response.status_code}, {e.description}')
166                exit(1)
168            # read call intercept again
169            try:
170                intercept = api.person_settings.call_intercept.read(user.person_id)
171            except RestError as e:
172                print(f'Failed to read call intercept settings: {e.response.status_code}, {e.description}')
173                exit(1)
175            # display state after update
176            print(f"set to {'on' if intercept.enabled else 'off'}")
178    exit(0)
181if __name__ == '__main__':
182    main()

Read/update call queue agent join states

usage: queue_helper.py [-h] [–location LOCATION [LOCATION …]]
[–queue QUEUE [QUEUE …]]
[–add ADD_USER [ADD_USER …]] [–dryrun]
[–token TOKEN]

Modify call queue settings from the CLI

optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
name of location to work on. If missing then work on
all locations.
–queue QUEUE [QUEUE …], -q QUEUE [QUEUE …]
name(s) of queue(s) to operate on. If missing then
work on all queues in location.
Join given user(s) on given queue(s). Can be “all” to
act on all agents.
Unjoin given agent(s) from given queue(s). Can be
“all” to act on all agents.
Remove given agent from given queue(s). Can be “all”
to act on all agents.
Add given users to given queue(s).
–dryrun, -d Dry run; don’t apply any changes
–token TOKEN admin access token to use

The script uses the access token passed via the CLI, reads one from the WEBEX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable or obtains tokens via an OAuth flow. For the last option the integration parameters are read from environment variables which can be set in a queue_helper.env file in the current directory.

Source: queue_helper.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3usage: queue_helper.py [-h] [--location LOCATION [LOCATION ...]] [--queue QUEUE [QUEUE ...]]
  4                       [--join JOIN_AGENT [JOIN_AGENT ...]] [--unjoin UNJOIN_AGENT [UNJOIN_AGENT ...]]
  5                       [--remove REMOVE_USER [REMOVE_USER ...]] [--add ADD_USER [ADD_USER ...]] [--dryrun]
  6                       [--token TOKEN]
  8Modify call queue settings from the CLI
 10optional arguments:
 11  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 12  --location LOCATION [LOCATION ...], -l LOCATION [LOCATION ...]
 13                        name of location to work on. If missing then work on all locations.
 14  --queue QUEUE [QUEUE ...], -q QUEUE [QUEUE ...]
 15                        name(s) of queue(s) to operate on. If missing then work on all queues in location.
 17                        Join given user(s) on given queue(s). Can be "all" to act on all agents.
 19                        Unjoin given agent(s) from given queue(s). Can be "all" to act on all agents.
 21                        Remove given agent from given queue(s). Can be "all" to act on all agents.
 22  --add ADD_USER [ADD_USER ...], -a ADD_USER [ADD_USER ...]
 23                        Add given users to given queue(s).
 24  --dryrun, -d          Dry run; don't apply any changes
 25  --token TOKEN         admin access token to use
 27import asyncio
 28import logging
 29import os
 30import sys
 31from argparse import ArgumentParser
 32from collections.abc import AsyncGenerator
 33from typing import Optional
 35from dotenv import load_dotenv
 37from wxc_sdk import Tokens
 38from wxc_sdk.as_api import AsWebexSimpleApi
 39from wxc_sdk.integration import Integration
 40from wxc_sdk.people import Person
 41from wxc_sdk.scopes import parse_scopes
 42from wxc_sdk.telephony.callqueue import CallQueue
 43from wxc_sdk.telephony.hg_and_cq import Agent
 46def agent_name(agent: Agent) -> str:
 47    return f'{agent.first_name} {agent.last_name}'
 50def env_path() -> str:
 51    """
 52    determine path for .env to load environment variables from; based on name of this file
 53    :return: .env file path
 54    """
 55    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.env')
 58def yml_path() -> str:
 59    """
 60    determine path of YML file to persist tokens
 61    :return: path to YML file
 62    :rtype: str
 63    """
 64    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.yml')
 67def build_integration() -> Integration:
 68    """
 69    read integration parameters from environment variables and create an integration
 70    :return: :class:`wxc_sdk.integration.Integration` instance
 71    """
 72    client_id = os.getenv('INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID')
 73    client_secret = os.getenv('INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET')
 74    scopes = parse_scopes(os.getenv('INTEGRATION_SCOPES'))
 75    redirect_url = 'http://localhost:6001/redirect'
 76    if not all((client_id, client_secret, scopes)):
 77        raise ValueError('failed to get integration parameters from environment')
 78    return Integration(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scopes=scopes,
 79                       redirect_url=redirect_url)
 82def get_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 83    """
 84    Tokens are read from a YML file. If needed an OAuth flow is initiated.
 86    :return: tokens
 87    :rtype: :class:`wxc_sdk.tokens.Tokens`
 88    """
 90    integration = build_integration()
 91    tokens = integration.get_cached_tokens_from_yml(yml_path=yml_path())
 92    return tokens
 95async def main():
 96    async def act_on_queue(queue: CallQueue):
 97        """
 98        Act on a single queue
 99        """
100        # we need the queue details b/c the queue instance passed as parameter is from a list() call
101        # ... and thus is missing all the details like agents
102        details = await api.telephony.callqueue.details(location_id=queue.location_id, queue_id=queue.id)
103        agent_names = set(map(agent_name, details.agents))
105        def notify(message: str) -> str:
106            """
107            an action notification with queue information
108            """
109            return f'queue "{details.name:{queue_len}}" in "{queue.location_name:{location_len}}": {message}'
111        def validate_agents(names: list[str], operation: str) -> list[str]:
112            """
113            check if all names in given list exist as agents on current queue
114            """
115            if 'all' in names:
116                return set(agent_names)
118            not_found = [name for name in names if name not in agent_names]
119            if not_found:
120                print('\n'.join(notify(f'{name} not found for {operation}"')
121                                for name in not_found),
122                      file=sys.stderr)
123            return set(name for name in names if name not in set(not_found))
125        # validate list of names or join, unjoin, and remove against actual list of agents
126        to_join = validate_agents(join_agents, 'join')
127        to_unjoin = validate_agents(unjoin_agents, 'unjoin')
128        to_remove = validate_agents(remove_users, 'remove')
130        # check for agents we are asked to add but which already exist as agents on the queue
131        existing_agent_ids = set(agent.agent_id for agent in details.agents)
132        agent_exists = [agent_name(user) for user in add_users
133                        if user.person_id in existing_agent_ids]
134        if agent_exists:
135            print('\n'.join(notify(f'{name} already is agent')
136                            for name in agent_exists),
137                  file=sys.stderr)
138            # reduced set of users to add
139            to_add = [user for user in add_users
140                      if agent_name(user) not in set(agent_exists)]
141        else:
142            # ...  or add all users
143            to_add = add_users
145        # the updated list of agents for the current queue
146        new_agents = []
148        # do we actually need an update?
149        update_needed = False
151        # create copy of each agent instance; we don't want to update the original agent objects
152        # to make sure that details still holds the state before any update
153        agents = [agent.copy(deep=True) for agent in details.agents]
155        # iterate through the existing agents and see if we have to apply any change
156        for agent in agents:
157            name = agent_name(agent)
158            # do we have to take action to join this agent?
159            if name in to_join and not agent.join_enabled:
160                print(notify(f'{name}, join'))
161                update_needed = True
162                agent.join_enabled = True
163            # do we have to take action to unjoin this agent?
164            if name in to_unjoin and agent.join_enabled:
165                print(notify(f'{name}, unjoin'))
166                update_needed = True
167                agent.join_enabled = False
168            # do we have to remove this agent?
169            if name in to_remove:
170                print(notify(f'{name}, remove'))
171                update_needed = True
172                # skip to next agent; so that we don't add this agent to the updated list of agents
173                continue
174            new_agents.append(agent)
176        # add new agents
177        new_agents.extend(Agent(agent_id=user.person_id)
178                          for user in to_add)
180        # update the queue
181        if (update_needed or to_add) and not args.dryrun:
182            # simplified update: we only messed with the agents
183            update = CallQueue(agents=new_agents)
184            await api.telephony.callqueue.update(location_id=queue.location_id, queue_id=queue.id,
185                                                 update=update)
186            print(notify('queue updated'))
187            # and get details after the update
188            details = await api.telephony.callqueue.details(location_id=queue.location_id, queue_id=queue.id)
189            print(notify('got details after update'))
191        # print summary
192        print(f'queue "{queue.name:{queue_len}}" in "{queue.location_name}"')
193        print(f'  phone number: {details.phone_number}')
194        print(f'  extension: {details.extension}')
195        print('  agents')
196        if details.agents:
197            name_len = max(map(len, map(agent_name, details.agents)))
198            for agent in details.agents:
199                print(f'    {agent_name(agent):{name_len}}: {"not " if not agent.join_enabled else ""}joined')
200        return
202    async def validate_users(user_names: list[str]) -> AsyncGenerator[Person, None, None]:
203        """
204        Validate list of names of users to be added and yield a Person instance for each one
205        """
206        # search for all names in parallel
207        lists: list[list[Person]] = await asyncio.gather(
208            *[api.people.list(display_name=name) for name in user_names], return_exceptions=True)
209        for name, user_list in zip(user_names, lists):
210            if isinstance(user_list, Exception):
211                user = None
212            else:
213                user = next((u for u in user_list if name == agent_name(u)), None)
214            if user is None:
215                print(f'user "{name}" not found', file=sys.stderr)
216                continue
217            yield user
218        return
220    # parse command line
221    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Modify call queue settings from the CLI')
222    parser.add_argument('--location', '-l', type=str, required=False, nargs='+',
223                        help='name of location to work on. If missing then work on all locations.')
225    parser.add_argument('--queue', '-q', type=str, required=False, nargs='+',
226                        help='name(s) of queue(s) to operate on. If missing then work on all queues in location.')
228    parser.add_argument('--join', '-j', type=str, required=False, nargs='+', dest='join_agent',
229                        help='Join given user(s) on given queue(s). Can be "all" to act on all agents.')
231    parser.add_argument('--unjoin', '-u', type=str, required=False, nargs='+', dest='unjoin_agent',
232                        help='Unjoin given agent(s) from given queue(s). Can be "all" to act on all agents.')
234    parser.add_argument('--remove', '-r', type=str, required=False, nargs='+', dest='remove_user',
235                        help='Remove given agent from given queue(s). Can be "all" to act on all agents.')
237    parser.add_argument('--add', '-a', type=str, required=False, nargs='+', dest='add_user',
238                        help='Add given users to given queue(s).')
239    parser.add_argument('--dryrun', '-d', required=False, action='store_true',
240                        help='Dry run; don\'t apply any changes')
241    parser.add_argument('--token', type=str, required=False, help='admin access token to use')
243    args = parser.parse_args()
245    # get environment variables from .env; required for integration parameters
246    load_dotenv(env_path())
248    tokens = args.token or None
249    if tokens is None:
250        # get tokens from cache or create a new set of tokens using the integration defined in .env
251        tokens = get_tokens()
253    async with AsWebexSimpleApi(tokens=tokens) as api:
254        # validate location parameter
255        location_names = args.location or []
257        # list of all locations with names matching one of the provided names
258        locations = [loc for loc in await api.locations.list()
259                     if not location_names or loc.name in set(location_names)]
261        if not location_names:
262            print(f'Considering all {len(locations)} locations')
264        # set of names of matching locations
265        found_location_names = set(loc.name for loc in locations)
267        # Error message for each location name argument not matching an actual location
268        for location_name in location_names:
269            if location_name not in found_location_names:
270                print(f'location "{location_name}" not found', file=sys.stderr)
272        if not locations:
273            print('Found no locations to work on', file=sys.stderr)
274            exit(1)
276        # which queues do we need to operate on?
277        location_ids = set(loc.location_id for loc in locations)
278        queue_names = args.queue
279        all_queues = queue_names is None
280        # full list of queues
281        queues = await api.telephony.callqueue.list()
282        # filter based on location parameter
283        queues = [queue for queue in queues
284                  if (all_queues or queue.name in queue_names) and queue.location_id in location_ids]
286        # len of queue names for nicer output
287        queue_len = max(len(queue.name) for queue in queues)
289        # now we can actually go back and re-evaluate the list of locations; for the location length we only need
290        # to consider locations we actually have a target queue in
291        location_ids = set(queue.location_id for queue in queues)
293        # max length of location names for nicely formatted output
294        location_len = max(len(loc.name)
295                           for loc in locations
296                           if loc.location_id in location_ids)
298        # get the names for join, unjoin, remove, and add
299        join_agents = args.join_agent or []
300        unjoin_agents = args.unjoin_agent or []
301        remove_users = args.remove_user or []
302        add_users = args.add_user or []
304        # validate users; make sure that users exist with the provided names
305        add_users = [u async for u in validate_users(user_names=add_users)]
307        # apply actions to all queues
308        await asyncio.gather(*[act_on_queue(queue) for queue in queues])
311if __name__ == '__main__':
312    # enable DEBUG logging to a file; REST log shows all requests
313    logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.log'),
314                        filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG)
315    asyncio.run(main())

Using service APP tokens to access a API endpoints

The script uses service app credentials to get an access token and then use this access token to call Webex Calling APIs.

Source: service_app.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3Demo for Webex service app: using service APP tokens to access a API endpoints
  5import logging
  6import sys
  7from json import dumps, loads
  8from os import getenv
  9from os.path import basename, splitext, isfile
 10from typing import Optional
 12from dotenv import load_dotenv
 13from yaml import safe_load, safe_dump
 15from wxc_sdk import WebexSimpleApi
 16from wxc_sdk.integration import Integration
 17from wxc_sdk.tokens import Tokens
 20def yml_path() -> str:
 21    """
 22    Get filename for YML file to cache access and refresh token
 23    """
 24    return f'{splitext(basename(__file__))[0]}.yml'
 27def env_path() -> str:
 28    """
 29    Get path to .env file to read service app settings from
 30    :return:
 31    """
 32    return f'{splitext(basename(__file__))[0]}.env'
 35def read_tokens_from_file() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 36    """
 37    Get service app tokens from cache file, return None if cache does not exist
 38    """
 39    path = yml_path()
 40    if not isfile(path):
 41        return None
 42    try:
 43        with open(path, mode='r') as f:
 44            data = safe_load(f)
 45        tokens = Tokens.model_validate(data)
 46    except Exception:
 47        return None
 48    return tokens
 51def write_tokens_to_file(tokens: Tokens):
 52    """
 53    Write tokens to cache
 54    """
 55    with open(yml_path(), mode='w') as f:
 56        safe_dump(tokens.model_dump(exclude_none=True), f)
 59def get_access_token() -> Tokens:
 60    """
 61    Get a new access token using refresh token, service app client id, service app client secret
 62    """
 63    tokens = Tokens(refresh_token=getenv('SERVICE_APP_REFRESH_TOKEN'))
 64    integration = Integration(client_id=getenv('SERVICE_APP_CLIENT_ID'),
 65                              client_secret=getenv('SERVICE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET'),
 66                              scopes=[], redirect_url=None)
 67    integration.refresh(tokens=tokens)
 68    write_tokens_to_file(tokens)
 69    return tokens
 72def get_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 73    """
 74    Get tokens from cache or create new access token using service app credentials
 75    """
 76    # try to read from file
 77    tokens = read_tokens_from_file()
 78    # .. or create new access token using refresh token
 79    if tokens is None:
 80        tokens = get_access_token()
 81    if tokens.remaining < 24 * 60 * 60:
 82        tokens = get_access_token()
 83    return tokens
 86def service_app():
 87    """
 88    Use service app access token to call Webex Calling API endpoints
 89    :return:
 90    """
 91    load_dotenv(env_path())
 92    # assert that all required environment variable are set
 94        print(
 96            f'environment or in "{env_path()}"',
 97            file=sys.stderr)
 98        exit(1)
100    # get tokens and dump to console
101    tokens = get_tokens()
102    print(dumps(loads(tokens.json()), indent=2))
103    print()
104    print('scopes:')
105    print('\n'.join(f' * {s}' for s in sorted(tokens.scope.split())))
107    # use tokens to access APIs
108    api = WebexSimpleApi(tokens=tokens)
110    users = list(api.people.list())
111    print(f'{len(users)} users')
113    queues = list(api.telephony.callqueue.list())
114    print(f'{len(queues)} call queues')
117if __name__ == '__main__':
118    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
119    service_app()

Pool unassigned TNs on hunt groups to catch calls to unassigned TNs

This script looks for unassigned TNs and assigns them to HGs that are forwarded to the locations main number. The idea is to catch all incoming calls to unassigned TNs and handle them accordingly.

usage: catch_tns.py [-h] [–test] [–location LOCATION] [–token TOKEN]

optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
–test test only; don’t actually apply any config
–location LOCATION Location to work on
–token TOKEN admin access token to use.
–cleanup remove all pooling HGs

Source: catch_tns.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3This script looks for unassigned TNs and assigns them to HGs that are forwarded to the locations main number.
  4The idea is to catch all incoming calls to unassigned TNs and handle them accordingly
  6    usage: catch_tns.py [-h] [--test] [--location LOCATION] [--token TOKEN]
  7                        [--cleanup]
  9    optional arguments:
 10      -h, --help           show this help message and exit
 11      --test               test only; don't actually apply any config
 12      --location LOCATION  Location to work on
 13      --token TOKEN        admin access token to use.
 14      --cleanup            remove all pooling HGs
 16import asyncio
 17import logging
 18import os
 19import sys
 20from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
 21from collections import defaultdict
 22from operator import attrgetter
 23from typing import Optional, Union
 25from dotenv import load_dotenv
 27from wxc_sdk.as_api import AsWebexSimpleApi
 28from wxc_sdk.common import IdAndName, AlternateNumber, RingPattern
 29from wxc_sdk.integration import Integration
 30from wxc_sdk.scopes import parse_scopes
 31from wxc_sdk.telephony import NumberListPhoneNumber
 32from wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding import CallForwarding
 33from wxc_sdk.telephony.huntgroup import HuntGroup
 34from wxc_sdk.tokens import Tokens
 39def env_path() -> str:
 40    """
 41    determine path for .env to load environment variables from; based on name of this file
 42    :return: .env file path
 43    """
 44    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.env')
 47def yml_path() -> str:
 48    """
 49    determine path of YML file to persist tokens
 50    :return: path to YML file
 51    :rtype: str
 52    """
 53    return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]}.yml')
 56def build_integration() -> Integration:
 57    """
 58    read integration parameters from environment variables and create an integration
 59    :return: :class:`wxc_sdk.integration.Integration` instance
 60    """
 61    client_id = os.getenv('INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID')
 62    client_secret = os.getenv('INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET')
 63    scopes = parse_scopes(os.getenv('INTEGRATION_SCOPES'))
 64    redirect_url = 'http://localhost:6001/redirect'
 65    if not all((client_id, client_secret, scopes)):
 66        raise ValueError('failed to get integration parameters from environment')
 67    return Integration(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, scopes=scopes,
 68                       redirect_url=redirect_url)
 71def get_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 72    """
 73    Tokens are read from a YML file. If needed an OAuth flow is initiated.
 75    :return: tokens
 76    :rtype: :class:`wxc_sdk.tokens.Tokens`
 77    """
 79    integration = build_integration()
 80    tokens = integration.get_cached_tokens_from_yml(yml_path=yml_path())
 81    return tokens
 84async def location_id_from_args(api: AsWebexSimpleApi, args: Namespace) -> Optional[str]:
 85    """
 86    Get location id for --location parameter
 87    """
 88    if not args.location:
 89        return None
 90    location = next((loc
 91                     for loc in await api.locations.list(name=args.location)
 92                     if loc.name == args.location),
 93                    None)
 94    return location and location.location_id
 97async def cleanup(api: AsWebexSimpleApi, args: Namespace):
 98    """
 99    clean up (delete) pooling HGs
100    """
101    location_id = await location_id_from_args(api, args)
102    existing_hg_list = [hg for hg in await api.telephony.huntgroup.list(location_id=location_id)
103                        if hg.name.startswith(POOL_HG_NAME)]
105    async def delete_one(hg: HuntGroup):
106        if not args.test:
107            await api.telephony.huntgroup.delete_huntgroup(location_id=hg.location_id,
108                                                           huntgroup_id=hg.id)
109        print(f'Deleted HG "{hg.name}" in location "{hg.location_name}"')
111    await asyncio.gather(*[delete_one(hg)
112                           for hg in existing_hg_list])
115async def pool_tns_location(api: AsWebexSimpleApi, args: Namespace, location: IdAndName,
116                            tns: list[NumberListPhoneNumber]):
117    """
118    Pool unassigned TNs for a given location
119    """
121    async def add_to_hg(hg: Union[HuntGroup, str],
122                        tns: list[NumberListPhoneNumber]):
123        """
124        Add a bunch of TNs to given HG
125        :param hg: can be an existing HG or a name of a HG to be created
126        :param tns: list of TNs to be added to the HG
127        """
128        if isinstance(hg, str):
129            # create new HG
130            print(f'Creating HG "{hg}" in location "{location.name}" for: '
131                  f'{", ".join(tn.phone_number for tn in tns)}')
132            if args.test:
133                return
134            settings = HuntGroup.create(name=hg,
135                                        phone_number=tns[0].phone_number)
136            new_id = await api.telephony.huntgroup.create(location_id=location.id,
137                                                          settings=settings)
138            # Get details of new HG and also the forwarding settings
139            # * details are needed for the recursive call to add_to_hg .. in case we have more than one TN to add
140            # * ... and forwarding settings are needed b/c we want to set CFwdAll to location's main number
141            details, forwarding = await asyncio.gather(
142                api.telephony.huntgroup.details(location_id=location.id, huntgroup_id=new_id),
143                api.telephony.huntgroup.forwarding.settings(location_id=location.id, feature_id=new_id))
144            forwarding: CallForwarding
145            details: HuntGroup
147            # set call forwarding
148            print(f'HG "{hg}" in location "{location.name}": set CFwdAll to {main_number}')
149            forwarding.always.enabled = True
150            forwarding.always.destination = main_number
151            await api.telephony.huntgroup.forwarding.update(location_id=location.id, feature_id=new_id,
152                                                            forwarding=forwarding)
153            if len(tns) > 1:
154                # add the remaining as alternate numbers
155                await add_to_hg(hg=details, tns=tns[1:])
156            return
158        # add tns as alternate numbers
159        print(f'HG "{hg.name}" in location "{location.name}", adding: '
160              f'{", ".join(tn.phone_number for tn in tns)}')
161        if args.test:
162            return
163        # weirdly on GET alternate numbers are returned in alternate_number_settings ...
164        alternate_numbers = hg.alternate_number_settings.alternate_numbers
165        alternate_numbers.extend(AlternateNumber(phone_number=tn.phone_number,
166                                                 ring_pattern=RingPattern.normal)
167                                 for tn in tns)
168        # ... while for an update Wx expects the alternate numbers in an alternate_number attribute
169        update = HuntGroup(alternate_numbers=alternate_numbers)
170        await api.telephony.huntgroup.update(location_id=location.id,
171                                             huntgroup_id=hg.id,
172                                             update=update)
174        return
176    # if the list of available TNs includes the main number then something is wonky. The main number should be owned
177    # by something
178    main_number = next((tn for tn in tns if tn.main_number), None)
179    if main_number is not None:
180        print(f'Error: main number {main_number.phone_number} in location "{location.name}" is not assigned to '
181              f'anything!', file=sys.stderr)
182        return
184    # get main number of location
185    main_number = (await api.telephony.location.details(location_id=location.id)).calling_line_id.phone_number
187    # get list if "pool" HGs in location
188    existing_hg_list = [hg for hg in await api.telephony.huntgroup.list(location_id=location.id)
189                        if hg.name.startswith(POOL_HG_NAME)]
191    # we need the details for all HGs: list() response is missing the alternate number list
192    # get all HG details in parallel
193    existing_hg_list = await asyncio.gather(*[api.telephony.huntgroup.details(location_id=location.id,
194                                                                              huntgroup_id=hg.id)
195                                              for hg in existing_hg_list])
196    existing_hg_list: list[HuntGroup]
198    # start with an empty list of tasks
199    tasks = []
201    # assign TNs to existing "pool" HGs
203    # these are the HGs we can still assign some TNs to
204    hgs_with_open_slots = (hg
205                           for hg in existing_hg_list
206                           if len(hg.alternate_number_settings.alternate_numbers) < 10)
207    tns.sort(key=attrgetter('phone_number'))
208    while tns:
209        hg_with_open_slots = next(hgs_with_open_slots, None)
210        if hg_with_open_slots is None:
211            # no more HGs we can assign TNs to --> we are done here
212            break
214        # add some tns to this hg; hg can have max 10 alternate numbers
215        tns_to_add = 10 - len(hg_with_open_slots.alternate_number_settings.alternate_numbers)
216        tasks.append(add_to_hg(hg=hg_with_open_slots, tns=tns[:tns_to_add]))
218        # continue w/ remaining TNs
219        tns = tns[tns_to_add:]
221    # assign remaining TNs to new "pool" HGs
222    # .. in batches of 11
223    existing_names = set(hg.name for hg in existing_hg_list)
224    new_hg_names = (name
225                    for i in range(1, 1000)
226                    if (name := f'{POOL_HG_NAME}{i:03d}') not in existing_names)
227    while tns:
228        tasks.append(add_to_hg(hg=next(new_hg_names), tns=tns[:11]))
229        tns = tns[11:]
231    # Now run all tasks
232    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
233    return
236async def pool_tns(api: AsWebexSimpleApi, args: Namespace):
237    """
238    Assign unassigned numbers to pool HGs
239    """
240    location_id = await location_id_from_args(api, args)
242    # get available TNs. If a location argument was present then limit to that location
243    numbers = await api.telephony.phone_numbers(available=True, location_id=location_id)
245    # we need to work on TNs by location ...
246    tns_by_location: dict[str, list[NumberListPhoneNumber]] = defaultdict(list)
247    # ... and we want to collect location information (specifically the name)
248    locations: dict[str, IdAndName] = dict()
249    for tn in numbers:
250        locations[tn.location.id] = tn.location
251        tns_by_location[tn.location.id].append(tn)
253    # work on all locations in parallel
254    await asyncio.gather(*[pool_tns_location(api=api, args=args,
255                                             location=locations[location_id], tns=tns)
256                           for location_id, tns in tns_by_location.items()])
259async def catch_tns():
260    """
261    Main async logic
262    """
263    parser = ArgumentParser()
264    parser.add_argument('--test', required=False, help='test only; don\'t actually apply any config',
265                        action='store_true')
266    parser.add_argument('--location', required=False, help='Location to work on', type=str)
267    parser.add_argument('--token', type=str, required=False, help='admin access token to use.')
268    parser.add_argument('--cleanup', required=False, help='remove all pooling HGs', action='store_true')
269    args = parser.parse_args()
271    load_dotenv(env_path())
273    tokens = args.token or None
275    if tokens is None:
276        # get tokens from cache or create a new set of tokens using the integration defined in .env
277        tokens = get_tokens()
278    async with AsWebexSimpleApi(tokens=tokens) as api:
279        if args.cleanup:
280            await cleanup(api, args)
281        else:
282            await pool_tns(api, args)
285if __name__ == '__main__':
286    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
287    asyncio.run(catch_tns())

Downgrade room device workspaces from Webex Calling to free calling

This script looks for workspaces in a given location (or all workspaces) and downgrades them from Webex Calling to free calling.

usage: room_devices.py [-h] [–location LOCATION] [–wsnames WSNAMES] [–test] {show,clear}

CLI tool to manage room device calling entitlements

positional arguments:
{show,clear} show: show all room devices with their calling settings, clear: remove calling
license from devices

optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
–location LOCATION work on devices in given location
–wsnames WSNAMES file name of a file with workspace names to operate on; one name per line
–test test run only

Source: room_devices.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3    usage: room_devices.py [-h] [--location LOCATION] [--wsnames WSNAMES] [--test] {show,clear}
  5    CLI tool to manage room device calling entitlements
  7    positional arguments:
  8      {show,clear}         show: show all room devices with their calling settings, clear: remove calling
  9                           license from devices
 11    optional arguments:
 12      -h, --help           show this help message and exit
 13      --location LOCATION  work on devices in given location
 14      --wsnames WSNAMES    file name of a file with workspace names to operate on; one name per line
 15      --test               test run only
 17    The tool reads environment variables from room_devices.env:
 18        SERVICE_APP_CLIENT_ID=<clients id of a service app created on developer.webex.com>
 19        SERVICE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET=<clients secret of a service app created on developer.webex.com>
 20        SERVICE_APP_REFRESH_TOKEN=<refresh token of the service app obtained after the service app has been
 21                                        authorized for an org>
 23    This information is used to obtain an access token required to authorize API access
 25    This is a super-set of the scopes the service app needs:
 26        * spark-admin:workspaces_write
 27        * Identity:one_time_password
 28        * identity:placeonetimepassword_create
 29        * spark:people_read
 30        * spark-admin:workspace_locations_read
 31        * spark-admin:workspaces_read
 32        * spark:devices_write
 33        * spark:devices_read
 34        * spark:kms
 35        * spark-admin:devices_read
 36        * spark-admin:workspace_locations_write
 37        * spark-admin:licenses_read
 38        * spark-admin:telephony_config_read
 39        * spark-admin:telephony_config_write
 40        * spark-admin:devices_write
 41        * spark-admin:people_read
 43    More service app details: https://developer.webex.com/docs/service-apps
 45    Tokens get persisted in room_devices.yml.
 47import asyncio
 48import logging
 49import sys
 50import time
 51from argparse import ArgumentParser
 52from collections import defaultdict
 53from functools import reduce
 54from itertools import chain
 55from os import getenv, getcwd
 56from os.path import splitext, basename, isfile, join
 57from typing import Optional
 59from dotenv import load_dotenv
 60from yaml import safe_load, safe_dump
 62from wxc_sdk.as_api import AsWebexSimpleApi
 63from wxc_sdk.base import webex_id_to_uuid
 64from wxc_sdk.common import OwnerType
 65from wxc_sdk.devices import Device
 66from wxc_sdk.integration import Integration
 67from wxc_sdk.locations import Location
 68from wxc_sdk.telephony import NumberListPhoneNumber
 69from wxc_sdk.tokens import Tokens
 70from wxc_sdk.workspace_locations import WorkspaceLocation
 71from wxc_sdk.workspaces import Workspace, WorkspaceSupportedDevices, CallingType, WorkspaceCalling
 74def yml_path() -> str:
 75    """
 76    Get filename for YML file to cache access and refresh token
 77    """
 78    return f'{splitext(basename(__file__))[0]}.yml'
 81def env_path() -> str:
 82    """
 83    Get path to .env file to read service app settings from
 84    """
 85    return f'{splitext(basename(__file__))[0]}.env'
 88def read_tokens_from_file() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 89    """
 90    Get service app tokens from cache file, return None if cache does not exist or read fails
 91    """
 92    path = yml_path()
 93    if not isfile(path):
 94        return None
 95    try:
 96        with open(path, mode='r') as f:
 97            data = safe_load(f)
 98        tokens = Tokens.model_validate(data)
 99    except Exception:
100        return None
101    return tokens
104def write_tokens_to_file(tokens: Tokens):
105    """
106    Write tokens to cache
107    """
108    with open(yml_path(), mode='w') as f:
109        safe_dump(tokens.model_dump(exclude_none=True), f)
112def get_access_token() -> Tokens:
113    """
114    Get a new access token using refresh token, service app client id, service app client secret
115    """
116    tokens = Tokens(refresh_token=getenv('SERVICE_APP_REFRESH_TOKEN'))
117    integration = Integration(client_id=getenv('SERVICE_APP_CLIENT_ID'),
118                              client_secret=getenv('SERVICE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET'),
119                              scopes=[], redirect_url=None)
120    integration.refresh(tokens=tokens)
121    write_tokens_to_file(tokens)
122    return tokens
125def get_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
126    """
127    Get tokens from cache or create new access token using service app credentials
128    """
129    # try to read from file
130    tokens = read_tokens_from_file()
131    # .. or create new access token using refresh token
132    if tokens is None:
133        tokens = get_access_token()
134    if tokens.remaining < 24 * 60 * 60:
135        tokens = get_access_token()
136    return tokens
139def main() -> int:
140    """
141    Main code
142    """
143    # parse args
144    parser = ArgumentParser(prog=basename(__file__), description='CLI tool to manage room device calling entitlements')
145    parser.add_argument('operation', choices=['show', 'clear'], help='show: show all room devices with their calling '
146                                                                     'settings, clear: remove calling license from '
147                                                                     'devices')
148    parser.add_argument('--location', type=str, help='work on devices in given location')
149    parser.add_argument('--wsnames', type=str, help='file name of a file with workspace names to operate on; '
150                                                    'one name per line')
151    parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help='test run only')
152    args = parser.parse_args()
153    operation = args.operation
154    test_run = args.test
155    location = args.location
156    ws_names = args.wsnames
158    # get tokens; as an alternative you can just get a developer token from developer.webex.com and use:
159    #   tokens = '<developer token from developer.webex.com>'
160    load_dotenv(dotenv_path=env_path())
161    err = ''
162    tokens = None
163    try:
164        tokens = get_tokens()
165    except Exception as e:
166        err = f'{e}'
167    if not tokens:
168        print(f'failed to obtain access tokens: {err}', file=sys.stderr)
169        return 1
171    async def as_main() -> int:
172        """
173        Async main to be able to use concurrency
174        """
176        async def downgrade_workspace(ws: Workspace):
177            """
178            Downgrade one workspace to free calling
179            """
181            def log(s: str, file=sys.stdout):
182                print(f'downgrade workspace "{ws.display_name:{ws_name_len}}": {s}', file=file)
184            if ws.calling.type != CallingType.webex:
185                raise ValueError(f'calling type is "{ws.calling.type}", not "{CallingType.webex.value}"')
186            if test_run:
187                log('skipping update, test run only')
188            else:
189                log('updating calling settings')
190                update = ws.model_copy(deep=True)
191                update.calling = WorkspaceCalling(type=CallingType.free)
192                update.workspace_location_id = None
193                update.location_id = None
194                await api.workspaces.update(workspace_id=ws.workspace_id, settings=update)
195            log('done')
197        async with AsWebexSimpleApi(tokens=tokens) as api:
199            # get list of locations and workspace locations
200            ws_location_list, location_list = await asyncio.gather(
201                api.workspace_locations.list(display_name=location),
202                api.locations.list(name=location))
203            location_list: list[Location]
204            ws_location_list: list[WorkspaceLocation]
206            # validate location argument
207            if location:
208                target_location = next((loc for loc in location_list if loc.name == location), None)
209                target_ws_location = next((loc for loc in ws_location_list if loc.display_name == location), None)
210                if not all((target_ws_location, target_location)):
211                    print(f'location "{location}" not found', file=sys.stderr)
212                    return 1
213            else:
214                target_location = None
215                target_ws_location = None
217            # get workspaces, numbers, and devices (in target location)
218            workspaces, numbers, devices = await asyncio.gather(
219                api.workspaces.list(workspace_location_id=target_ws_location and target_ws_location.id),
220                api.telephony.phone_numbers(location_id=target_location and target_location.location_id,
221                                            owner_type=OwnerType.place),
222                api.devices.list(workspace_location_id=target_ws_location and target_ws_location.id,
223                                 product_type='roomdesk')
224            )
225            workspaces: list[Workspace]
226            numbers: list[NumberListPhoneNumber]
227            devices: list[Device]
229            # only workspaces supporting desk devices
230            workspaces = [ws for ws in workspaces
231                          if ws.supported_devices == WorkspaceSupportedDevices.collaboration_devices]
233            # if a path to a file with workspace names was given, then filter based on the file contents
234            if ws_names:
235                with open(ws_names, mode='r') as f:
236                    workspace_names = set(s_line for line in f if (s_line := line.strip()))
237                workspaces = [ws for ws in workspaces
238                              if ws.display_name in workspace_names]
239            if not workspaces:
240                print('No workspaces', file=sys.stderr)
241                return 1
243            # only devices in workspaces (no personal devices)
244            devices = [d for d in devices if d.workspace_id is not None]
246            # prepare some lookups
247            workspace_locations_by_id: dict[str, WorkspaceLocation] = {wsl.id: wsl for wsl in ws_location_list}
248            numbers_by_workspace_uuid: dict[str, list[NumberListPhoneNumber]] = reduce(
249                lambda r, el: r[webex_id_to_uuid(el.owner.owner_id)].append(el) or r,
250                numbers,
251                defaultdict(list))
252            devices_by_workspace_id: dict[str, list[Device]] = reduce(
253                lambda r, el: r[el.workspace_id].append(el) or r,
254                devices,
255                defaultdict(list))
257            # sort workspaces by workspace location name and workspace name; workspace location can be unset
258            workspaces.sort(key=lambda ws: ('' if not ws.workspace_location_id else
259                                            workspace_locations_by_id[ws.workspace_location_id].display_name,
260                                            ws.display_name))
261            # some field lengths for nicer output
262            wsl_name_len = max(len(wsl.display_name) for wsl in ws_location_list)
263            ws_name_len = max(len(ws.display_name) for ws in workspaces)
265            # ... chain([1], ...) to avoid max() on empty sequence
266            pn_len = max(chain([1], (len(n.phone_number) for n in numbers if n.phone_number)))
267            ext_len = max(chain([1], (len(n.extension) for n in numbers if n.extension)))
269            # print workspaces with workspace locations, numbers, and devices
270            for workspace in workspaces:
271                if not workspace.workspace_location_id:
272                    wsl_name = ''
273                else:
274                    wsl_name = workspace_locations_by_id[workspace.workspace_location_id].display_name
275                print(f'workspace location "{wsl_name:{wsl_name_len}}", '
276                      f'workspace "{workspace.display_name:{ws_name_len}}"')
278                # are there any numbers in that workspace?
279                numbers = numbers_by_workspace_uuid.get(webex_id_to_uuid(workspace.workspace_id))
280                if numbers:
281                    for number in numbers:
282                        print(f'  number: {number.phone_number or "-" * pn_len:{pn_len}}/'
283                              f'{number.extension or "-" * ext_len:{ext_len}}')
284                devices = devices_by_workspace_id.get(workspace.workspace_id)
285                if devices:
286                    for device in devices:
287                        print(f'  device: {device.display_name}')
289            if operation == 'show':
290                # we are done here
291                return 0
293            # now we want to downgrade (disable calling) on all workspaces
294            print()
295            print('Starting downgrade')
296            results = await asyncio.gather(*[downgrade_workspace(ws) for ws in workspaces], return_exceptions=True)
298            # print errors ... if any
299            for ws, result in zip(workspaces, results):
300                ws: Workspace
301                if isinstance(result, Exception):
302                    print(f'Failed to downgrade "{ws.display_name:{ws_name_len}}": {result}', file=sys.stderr)
304            if any(isinstance(r, Exception) for r in results):
305                return 1
306            return 0
308    return asyncio.run(as_main())
311if __name__ == '__main__':
312    root_logger = logging.getLogger()
313    h = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
314    h.setLevel(logging.INFO)
315    root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
316    root_logger.addHandler(h)
318    # log REST API interactions to file
319    file_fmt = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
320    file_fmt.converter = time.gmtime
322    rest_log_name = join(getcwd(), f'{splitext(basename(__file__))[0]}.log')
323    rest_log_handler = logging.FileHandler(rest_log_name, mode='w')
324    rest_log_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
325    rest_log_handler.setFormatter(file_fmt)
326    rest_logger = logging.getLogger('wxc_sdk.as_rest')
327    rest_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
328    rest_logger.addHandler(rest_log_handler)
330    exit(main())

Logout users by selectively revoking authorizations

Selectively revoke authorizations.

usage: logout_users.py [-h] [–appname APPNAME] [–test] email

CLI tool to logout users by revoking user authorizations

positional arguments:
email single email or path to file w/ email addresses (one email address per line). “all” can be
used to print authorizations for all users. “all” cannot be combined with other parameters
and no authorizations will be revoked in this case.”

optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
–appname APPNAME regular expression matching authorization application names. When missing authorizations for
all client ids defined in the script are revoked
–test test run only

Source: logout_users.py

  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  3    usage: logout_users.py [-h] [--appname APPNAME] [--test] email
  5    CLI tool to logout users by revoking user authorizations
  7    positional arguments:
  8      email              single email or path to file w/ email addresses (one email address per line). "all" can be
  9                         used to print authorizations for all users. "all" cannot be combined with other parameters
 10                         and no authorizations will be revoked in this case."
 12    optional arguments:
 13      -h, --help         show this help message and exit
 14      --appname APPNAME  regular expression matching authorization application names. When missing authorizations for
 15                         all client ids defined in the script are revoked
 16      --test             test run only
 18import asyncio
 19import logging
 20import re
 21import sys
 22import time
 23from argparse import ArgumentParser
 24from itertools import chain
 25from operator import attrgetter
 26from os import getcwd, getenv
 27from os.path import join, splitext, basename, isfile
 28from typing import Optional
 30from dotenv import load_dotenv
 31from yaml import safe_dump, safe_load
 33from wxc_sdk.as_api import AsWebexSimpleApi
 34from wxc_sdk.authorizations import Authorization, AuthorizationType
 35from wxc_sdk.integration import Integration
 36from wxc_sdk.people import Person
 37from wxc_sdk.tokens import Tokens
 39# list of client ids to revoke authorizations for
 40# add more client ids as needed
 42    # Webex Web Client
 43    'C64ab04639eefee4798f58e7bc3fe01d47161be0d97ff0d31e040a6ffe66d7f0a',
 44    # Webex Teams Desktop Client for Mac
 45    'Ccb2581f071a0714c8ab7d4777f70ebed26f1ef5f3261597f00afbb3a53c1ad88',
 46    # add more client ids as required, call the script with "all" parameter to identify more client ids
 50def yml_path() -> str:
 51    """
 52    Get filename for YML file to cache access and refresh token
 53    """
 54    return f'{splitext(basename(__file__))[0]}.yml'
 57def env_path() -> str:
 58    """
 59    Get path to .env file to read service app settings from
 60    """
 61    return f'{splitext(basename(__file__))[0]}.env'
 64def read_tokens_from_file() -> Optional[Tokens]:
 65    """
 66    Get service app tokens from cache file, return None if cache does not exist or read fails
 67    """
 68    path = yml_path()
 69    if not isfile(path):
 70        return None
 71    try:
 72        with open(path, mode='r') as f:
 73            data = safe_load(f)
 74        tokens = Tokens.model_validate(data)
 75    except Exception:
 76        return None
 77    return tokens
 80def write_tokens_to_file(tokens: Tokens):
 81    """
 82    Write tokens to cache
 83    """
 84    with open(yml_path(), mode='w') as f:
 85        safe_dump(tokens.model_dump(exclude_none=True), f)
 88def get_access_token() -> Tokens:
 89    """
 90    Get a new access token using refresh token, service app client id, service app client secret
 91    """
 92    tokens = Tokens(refresh_token=getenv('SERVICE_APP_REFRESH_TOKEN'))
 93    integration = Integration(client_id=getenv('SERVICE_APP_CLIENT_ID'),
 94                              client_secret=getenv('SERVICE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET'),
 95                              scopes=[], redirect_url=None)
 96    integration.refresh(tokens=tokens)
 97    write_tokens_to_file(tokens)
 98    return tokens
101def get_tokens() -> Optional[Tokens]:
102    """
103    Get tokens from cache or create new access token using service app credentials
104    """
105    # try to read from file
106    tokens = read_tokens_from_file()
107    # .. or create new access token using refresh token
108    if tokens is None:
109        tokens = get_access_token()
110    if tokens.remaining < 24 * 60 * 60:
111        tokens = get_access_token()
112    return tokens
115def auth_str(auth: Authorization) -> str:
116    return f'{auth.type:7}, {auth.client_id} - {auth.application_name}'
119async def main() -> int:
120    parser = ArgumentParser(prog=basename(__file__),
121                            description='CLI tool to logout users by revoking user authorizations')
122    parser.add_argument('email',
123                        help='single email or path to file w/ email addresses (one email address per line). "all" can '
124                             'be used to print authorizations for all users. "all" cannot be combined with other '
125                             'parameters and no authorizations will be revoked in this case."')
126    parser.add_argument('--appname', type=str, help='regular expression matching authorization application names. '
127                                                    'When missing authorizations for all client ids defined in the '
128                                                    'script are revoked')
129    parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help='test run only')
130    args = parser.parse_args()
131    email = args.email
132    test_run = args.test
133    appname = args.appname
135    if appname:
136        try:
137            appname_re = re.compile(appname)
138        except re.error as e:
139            print(f'invalid regular expression for --appname: {e}')
140            return 1
142    async def work_on_one_email(api: AsWebexSimpleApi, user_email: str) -> int:
143        """
144        Work on authorizations for one email
145        """
146        print(f'Getting authorizations for {user_email}')
147        auths = await api.authorizations.list(person_email=user_email)
149        auths.sort(key=lambda a: f'{a.application_name}{a.type}')
151        # determine set of authorization ids to revoke
152        if appname:
153            auths_to_delete = set(a.id for a in auths
154                                  if appname_re.match(a.application_name))
155        else:
156            auths_to_delete = set(a.id for a in auths
157                                  if a.client_id in CLIENT_IDS)
158        if auths:
159            # show all authorizations and indicate which will be revoked
160            print('\n'.join(f'{user_email}: {auth_str(auth)} '
161                            f'{"--> revoke" if auth.id in auths_to_delete else ""}'
162                            for auth in auths))
164        if not auths:
165            print(f'{user_email}: no auths found')
166            return 0
167        if not auths_to_delete:
168            print(f'{user_email}: no auths to revoke')
169            return 0
170        if test_run:
171            print(f'{user_email}: testrun, not revoking any auths')
172            return 0
173        results = await asyncio.gather(*[api.authorizations.delete(authorization_id=a_id)
174                                         for a_id in auths_to_delete],
175                                       return_exceptions=True)
176        err = False
177        for r, auth_id in zip(results, auths_to_delete):
178            if not isinstance(r, Exception):
179                continue
180            auth = next((a for a in auths if a.id == auth_id))
181            if auth.type == AuthorizationType.refresh:
182                # ignore errors on revoking access tokens (race condition)
183                continue
184            print(f'{user_email}: {auth_str(auth)}, error revoking auth: {r}')
185            err = True
186        if err:
187            return 1
188        return 0
190    # get tokens; as an alternative you can just get a developer token from developer.webex.com and use:
191    #   tokens = '<developer token from developer.webex.com>'
192    load_dotenv(dotenv_path=env_path())
193    err = ''
194    tokens = None
195    try:
196        tokens = get_tokens()
197    except Exception as e:
198        err = f'{e}'
199    if not tokens:
200        print(f'failed to obtain access tokens: {err}', file=sys.stderr)
201        return 1
203    async with AsWebexSimpleApi(tokens=tokens) as api:
204        if email == 'all':
205            print('Getting users...')
206            users = await api.people.list()
207            print(f'Getting authorizations for {len(users)} users...')
208            auth_lists = await asyncio.gather(*[api.authorizations.list(person_id=user.person_id)
209                                                for user in users],
210                                              return_exceptions=True)
211            err = False
212            for user, error in zip(users, auth_lists):
213                user: Person
214                if isinstance(error, Exception):
215                    print(f'{user.emails}: failed to get authorizations: {error}')
216                    err = True
217            if err:
218                return 1
219            auth_dict: dict[str, list[Authorization]] = {person.person_id: auth_list
220                                                         for person, auth_list in zip(users, auth_lists)
221                                                         if auth_list}
222            print('\n'.join(chain.from_iterable((f'{user.emails[0]}: {auth_str(auth)}'
223                                                 for auth in auth_dict.get(user.person_id, []))
224                                                for user in sorted(users, key=attrgetter('display_name')))))
226            clients = set(auth_str(auth) for auth in chain.from_iterable(auth_lists))
227            print()
228            print('tokens and clients:')
229            print('\n'.join(sorted(clients)))
230            return 0
231        elif isfile(email):
232            # read email addresses from file, one email address per line
233            with open(email, mode='r') as f:
234                emails = list(sorted(set(s_line for line in f if (s_line := line.strip()))))
235        else:
236            emails = [email]
238        if not emails:
239            print('Nothing to do')
240            return 0
242        # act on all emails concurrently
243        results = await asyncio.gather(*[work_on_one_email(api, e)
244                                         for e in emails],
245                                       return_exceptions=True)
246    err = next((r for r in results if isinstance(r, Exception)), None)
247    if err:
248        raise err
249    return max(results)
252if __name__ == '__main__':
253    root_logger = logging.getLogger()
254    h = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
255    h.setLevel(logging.INFO)
256    root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
257    root_logger.addHandler(h)
259    # log REST API interactions to file
260    file_fmt = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
261    file_fmt.converter = time.gmtime
263    rest_log_name = join(getcwd(), f'{splitext(basename(__file__))[0]}.log')
264    rest_log_handler = logging.FileHandler(rest_log_name, mode='w')
265    rest_log_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
266    rest_log_handler.setFormatter(file_fmt)
267    rest_logger = logging.getLogger('wxc_sdk.as_rest')
268    rest_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
269    rest_logger.addHandler(rest_log_handler)
271    exit(asyncio.run(main()))