Source code for wxc_sdk.admin_audit

from import Generator
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Union, Any

from dateutil.parser import isoparse

from wxc_sdk.api_child import ApiChild
from wxc_sdk.base import ApiModel, dt_iso_str

__all__ = ['AdminAuditEventsApi', 'AuditEvent', 'AuditEventData']

[docs] class AuditEventData(ApiModel):
[docs] class Config: extra = 'allow'
#: The display name of the organization. #: example: Acme Inc. actor_org_name: Optional[str] = None #: The name of the resource being acted upon. #: example: Acme Inc. target_name: Optional[str] = None #: A description for the event. #: example: An Admin logged in event_description: Optional[str] = None #: The name of the person who performed the action. #: example: Joe Smith actor_name: Optional[str] = None #: The email of the person who performed the action. #: example: actor_email: Optional[str] = None #: Admin roles for the person. #: example: ['User', 'Full_Admin', 'id_full_admin'] admin_roles: Optional[list[str]] = None #: A tracking identifier for the event. #: example: ATLAS_6f23a878-bcd4-c204-a4db-e701b42b0e5c_0 tracking_id: Optional[str] = None #: The type of resource changed by the event. #: example: TargetResourceType.ORG target_type: Optional[str] = None #: The identifier for the resource changed by the event. #: example: NWIzZTBiZDgtZjg4Ni00MjViLWIzMTgtYWNlYjliN2EwZGFj target_id: Optional[str] = None #: The category of resource changed by the event. #: example: EventCategory.LOGINS event_category: Optional[str] = None #: The browser user agent of the person who performed the action. #: example: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) # Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36 actor_user_agent: Optional[str] = None #: The IP address of the person who performed the action. #: example: actor_ip: Optional[str] = None #: The `orgId` of the organization. #: example: Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi85NmFiYzJhYS0zZGNjLTExZTUtYTE1Mi1mZTM0ODE5Y2RjOWE target_org_id: Optional[str] = None #: A more detailed description of the change made by the person. #: example: Joe Smith logged into organization Acme Inc. action_text: Optional[str] = None #: The name of the organization being acted upon. #: example: Acme Inc. target_org_name: Optional[str] = None action_client_id: Optional[Any] = None action_client_name: Optional[Any] = None actor_client_id: Optional[Any] = None actor_client_name: Optional[Any] = None added_pattern: Optional[Any] = None attributes: Optional[Any] = None authorized_status: Optional[Any] = None capacity: Optional[Any] = None change_detail_id: Optional[Any] = None changed_attributes: Optional[Any] = None changed_group_members: Optional[Any] = None client_id: Optional[Any] = None config_key: Optional[Any] = None config_value: Optional[Any] = None deleted_auth_code: Optional[Any] = None deleted_pattern_name: Optional[Any] = None dect_network_name: Optional[Any] = None email_type: Optional[Any] = None enrollment_status: Optional[Any] = None entitlements: Optional[Any] = None entity_type: Optional[Any] = None event_status: Optional[Any] = None external_admin_email: Optional[Any] = None external_admin_org_name: Optional[Any] = None failed_reason: Optional[Any] = None job_name: Optional[Any] = None locale: Optional[Any] = None location: Optional[Any] = None location_id: Optional[Any] = None location_name: Optional[Any] = None mac_address: Optional[Any] = None name: Optional[Any] = None numbers: Optional[Any] = None offer_map: Optional[Any] = None operation: Optional[Any] = None operation_type: Optional[Any] = None org_id: Optional[Any] = None owner_id: Optional[Any] = None owner_type: Optional[Any] = None previous_value: Optional[Any] = None role_added: Optional[Any] = None role_removed: Optional[Any] = None rule_name: Optional[Any] = None service_app_scopes: Optional[Any] = None services: Optional[Any] = None setting_key: Optional[Any] = None setting_name: Optional[Any] = None setting_value: Optional[Any] = None tags: Optional[Any] = None target_email: Optional[Any] = None token_id: Optional[Any] = None trial_expiration_dtm: Optional[Any] = None trial_id: Optional[Any] = None trial_period_days: Optional[Any] = None trial_start_dtm: Optional[Any] = None type: Optional[Any] = None updated_fields: Optional[Any] = None updated_settings: Optional[Any] = None user_name: Optional[Any] = None
[docs] class AuditEvent(ApiModel): data: Optional[AuditEventData] = None #: The date and time the event took place. #: example: 2019-01-02T16:58:36.845Z created: Optional[datetime] = None #: The `orgId` of the person who made the change. #: example: Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi85NmFiYzJhYS0zZGNjLTExZTUtYTE1Mi1mZTM0ODE5Y2RjOWE actor_org_id: Optional[str] = None #: A unique identifier for the event. #: example: MjQ0ODhiZTYtY2FiMS00ZGRkLTk0NWQtZDFlYjkzOGQ4NGUy id: Optional[str] = None #: The `personId` of the person who made the change. #: example: MjQ4Njg2OTYtYWMwZC00ODY4LWJkMjEtZGUxZDc4MzhjOTdm actor_id: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class AdminAuditEventsApi(ApiChild, base='adminAudit'): """ Admin Audit Events Admin Audit Events are available to full administrators for `certain events <>`_ performed in Webex Control Hub. Administrators with accounts created before 2019 who have never logged into `Webex Control Hub <>`_ will need to log into Webex Control Hub at least once to enable access to this API. An administrator account with the `audit:events_read` scope is required to use this API. """
[docs] def list_events(self, org_id: str, from_: Union[str, datetime], to_: Union[str, datetime], actor_id: str = None, event_categories: list[str] = None, **params) -> Generator[AuditEvent, None, None]: """ List Admin Audit Events List admin audit events in your organization. Several query parameters are available to filter the response. Long result sets will be split into `pages <>`_. **NOTE**: A maximum of one year of audit events can be returned per request. :param org_id: List events in this organization, by ID. :type org_id: str :param from_: List events which occurred after a specific date and time. :type from_: Union[str, datetime] :param to_: List events which occurred before a specific date and time. :type to_: Union[str, datetime] :param actor_id: List events performed by this person, by ID. :type actor_id: str :param event_categories: List events, by event categories. :type event_categories: list[str] :return: Generator yielding :class:`AuditEvent` instances """ params['orgId'] = org_id if isinstance(from_, str): from_ = isoparse(from_) from_ = dt_iso_str(from_) params['from'] = from_ if isinstance(to_, str): to_ = isoparse(to_) to_ = dt_iso_str(to_) params['to'] = to_ if actor_id is not None: params['actorId'] = actor_id if event_categories is not None: params['eventCategories'] = ','.join(event_categories) url = self.ep('events') return self.session.follow_pagination(url=url, model=AuditEvent, item_key='items', params=params)
[docs] def list_event_categories(self) -> list[str]: """ List Admin Audit Event Categories Get the list of all admin event categories. :rtype: list[str] """ url = self.ep('eventCategories') data = super().get(url) r = data['eventCategories'] return r