Source code for wxc_sdk.base

import base64
import logging
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Union

from aenum import Enum, extend_enum
from dateutil import tz
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError

__all__ = ['StrOrDict', 'webex_id_to_uuid', 'to_camel', 'ApiModel', 'CodeAndReason', 'ApiModelWithErrors', 'plus1',
           'dt_iso_str', 'SafeEnum', 'enum_str', 'RETRY_429_MAX_WAIT']

StrOrDict = Union[str, dict]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# maximum wait time for 429 retries

[docs] class SafeEnum(Enum): """ A replacement for the standard Enum class which allows dynamic enhancements of enums """ if 'unittest' in sys.modules or 'pytest' in sys.modules: # if run as unit test then don't allow dynamic extension of enum @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value): return None else: # ... while during normal execution simply dynamically enhance the enum @classmethod def _missing_(cls, value): log.warning(f'auto enhancing Enum {cls.__name__}, new value: {value}') return extend_enum(cls, value, value)
[docs] def enum_str(enum_or_str: Union[Enum, str]) -> str: """ return str value of enum or string :param enum_or_str: value to be converted to string :return: str representation """ # try to treat as enum try: return enum_or_str.value except AttributeError: pass # .. and if that fails we assume that we got a string and return just that return enum_or_str
[docs] def webex_id_to_uuid(webex_id: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert a webex id as used by the public APIs to a UUID :param webex_id: base 64 encoded id as used by public APIs :type webex_id: str :return: ID in uuid format """ return webex_id and base64.b64decode(f'{webex_id}==').decode().split('/')[-1]
[docs] def to_camel(s: str) -> str: """ Convert snake case variable name to camel case log_id -> logId :param s: snake case variable name :return: Camel case name """ return ''.join(w.title() if i else w for i, w in enumerate(s.split('_')))
[docs] class ApiModel(BaseModel): """ Base for all models used by the APIs """
[docs] class Config: alias_generator = to_camel # alias is camelcase version of attribute name populate_by_name = True #: set to 'forbid' if run in unittest to catch schema issues during tests #: else set to 'allow' extra = 'forbid' if 'unittest' in sys.modules or 'pytest' in sys.modules else 'allow' # store values instead of enum types use_enum_values = True
[docs] def model_dump_json(self, *args, exclude_none=True, by_alias=True, **kwargs) -> str: return super().model_dump_json(*args, exclude_none=exclude_none, by_alias=by_alias, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def model_validate(cls, obj): try: r = super().model_validate(obj) except ValidationError as e: raise e return r
[docs] class CodeAndReason(ApiModel): code: str reason: str
[docs] class ApiModelWithErrors(ApiModel): errors: Optional[dict[str, CodeAndReason]] = None
[docs] def plus1(v: Optional[str]) -> str: """ Convert 10D number to +E.164. Can be used as validator :param v: :return: """ return v and len(v) == 10 and v[0] != '+' and f'+1{v}' or v
[docs] def dt_iso_str(dt: datetime) -> str: """ ISO format datetime as used by Webex API (no time zone, milliseconds) :param dt: :return: """ dt = dt.astimezone(tz.tzutc()) dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None) return f"{dt.isoformat(timespec='milliseconds')}Z"