Source code for

REST session for Webex API requests
import json
import logging
import time
import uuid
from import Generator
from functools import wraps
from io import TextIOBase, StringIO
from json import JSONDecodeError
from threading import Semaphore
from typing import Tuple, Type, Optional
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl

from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, Field
from requests import HTTPError, Response, Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.models import PreparedRequest

from .base import ApiModel, StrOrDict, RETRY_429_MAX_WAIT
from .tokens import Tokens

__all__ = ['SingleError', 'ErrorDetail', 'RestError', 'RestSession', 'dump_response']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SingleError(BaseModel): """ Representation of single error in the body of an HTTP error response from Webex """ description: str error_code: Optional[int] = Field(alias='errorCode', default=None) @property def code(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Error code or None :return: error code """ return self.error_code
[docs] class ErrorDetail(ApiModel): """ Representation of error details in the body of an HTTP error response from Webex """ error_code: Optional[int] = Field(alias='errorCode', default=None) message: str #: error message errors: Optional[list[SingleError]] = None #: list of errors; typically has a single entry tracking_id: str #: tracking ID of the request @property def description(self) -> str: """ error description """ return self.errors and self.errors[0].description or '' @property def code(self) -> Optional[int]: """ error code """ return self.errors and self.errors[0].code or None
[docs] class RestError(HTTPError): """ A REST error """ request: PreparedRequest response: Response def __init__(self, msg: str, response: Response): super().__init__(msg, response=response) # try to parse the body of the API response try: self.detail = ErrorDetail.model_validate(json.loads(response.text)) except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValidationError): self.detail = response.text def __str__(self): desc = self.description if desc: if self.code: desc = f', {self.code} {desc}' else: desc = f', {desc}' else: desc = '' return f'{super().__str__()}{desc}' @property def description(self) -> str: """ error description """ if isinstance(self.detail, str): return self.detail self.detail: ErrorDetail return self.detail and self.detail.description or '' @property def code(self) -> str: """ error code """ return self.detail and isinstance(self.detail, ErrorDetail) and self.detail.code or 0
[docs] def dump_response(response: Response, file: TextIOBase = None, dump_log: logging.Logger = None, diff_ns: int = None): """ Dump response object to log file :param response: HTTP request response :param file: stream to dump to :type file: TextIOBase :param dump_log: logger to dump to :type dump_log: logging.Logger :param diff_ns: time the request took (in ns) :type diff_ns: int """ if not log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): return dump_log = dump_log or log output = file or StringIO() # dump response objects in redirect history for h in response.history: dump_response(response=h, file=output) if diff_ns is None: time_str = '' else: time_str = f'({diff_ns / 1000000.0:.3f} ms)' print(f'Request {response.status_code}[{response.reason}]{time_str}: ' f'{response.request.method} {response.request.url}', file=output) # request headers for k, v in response.request.headers.items(): if k.lower() == 'authorization': v = 'Bearer ***' print(f' {k}: {v}', file=output) # request body request_body = response.request.body if request_body: print(' --- body ---', file=output) ct = response.request.headers.get('content-type').lower() if ct.startswith('application/json'): for line in json.dumps(json.loads(request_body), indent=2).splitlines(): print(f' {line}', file=output) elif ct.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'): for k, v in parse_qsl(request_body): print(f' {k}: {"***" if k in {"client_secret", "refresh_token"} else v}', file=output) else: print(f' {request_body}', file=output) print(' Response', file=output) # response headers for k in response.headers: print(f' {k}: {response.headers[k]}', file=output) body = response.text # dump response body if body: print(' --- response body ---', file=output) try: body = json.loads(body) if isinstance(body, dict): # mask access and refresh tokens if 'access_token' in body: # mask access token body['access_token'] = '***' if 'refresh_token' in body: body['refresh_token'] = '***' body = json.dumps(body, indent=2) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass for line in body.splitlines(): print(f' {line}', file=output) print(' ---- end ----', file=output) if file is None: dump_log.debug(output.getvalue())
def retry_request(func): """ Decorator for the request method in the RestSession class. Used to implement backoff on 429 responses :param func: :return: """ def giveup_429(e: RestError, retry_429: bool) -> bool: """ callback for backoff on REST requests :param e: latest exception :param retry_429: retry on 429? :return: True -> break the backoff loop """ response = e.response response: Response if response.status_code != 429 or not retry_429: # Don't retry on anything other than 429 return True # determine how long we have to wait retry_after = int(response.headers.get('Retry-After', 5)) # never wait more than the defined maximum retry_after = min(retry_after, RETRY_429_MAX_WAIT) time.sleep(retry_after) return False @wraps(func) def wrapper(session: 'RestSession', *args, **kwargs): with session._sem: while True: try: result = func(session, *args, **kwargs) except RestError as e: if giveup_429(e, session.retry_429): raise else: break return result return wrapper
[docs] class RestSession(Session): """ REST session used for API requests: * includes an Authorization header in reach request * implements retries on 429 * loads deserializes JSON data if needed """ #: base URL for all Webex API requests BASE = '' def __init__(self, *, tokens: Tokens, concurrent_requests: int, retry_429: bool = True): super().__init__() self.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(pool_maxsize=concurrent_requests)) self.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(pool_maxsize=concurrent_requests)) self._tokens = tokens self._sem = Semaphore(concurrent_requests) self.retry_429 = retry_429 def ep(self, path: str = None): """ get an API endpoint :meta private: :param path: :return: full endpoint """ path = path and f'/{path}' or '' return f'{self.BASE}{path}' @property def access_token(self) -> str: """ access token used for all requests :return: access token :rtype: str """ return self._tokens.access_token @retry_request def _request_w_response(self, method: str, url: str, headers=None, content_type: str = None, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Response, StrOrDict]: """ low level API REST request with support for 429 rate limiting :param method: HTTP method :type method: str :param url: URL :type url: str :param headers: prepared headers for request :type headers: Optional[dict] :param content_type: :type content_type: str :param kwargs: additional keyward args :type kwargs: dict :return: Tuple of response object and body. Body can be text or dict (parsed from JSON body) :rtype: """ request_headers = {'authorization': f'Bearer {self._tokens.access_token}', 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8', 'TrackingID': f'SIMPLE_{uuid.uuid4()}'} if headers: request_headers.update((k.lower(), v) for k, v in headers.items()) if content_type: request_headers['content-type'] = content_type start = time.perf_counter_ns() response = self.request(method, url=url, headers=request_headers, **kwargs) diff_ns = time.perf_counter_ns() - start try: dump_response(response, diff_ns=diff_ns) try: response.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as error: # create a RestError based on HTTP error error = RestError(error.args[0], response=error.response) raise error # get response body as text or dict (parsed JSON) ct = response.headers.get('Content-Type') if not ct: data = '' elif ct.startswith('application/json') and response.text: try: data = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: data = response.text else: data = response.text finally: response.close() return response, data def _rest_request(self, method: str, url: str, **kwargs) -> StrOrDict: """ low level API request only returning the body :param method: HTTP method :type method: str :param url: URL :type url: str :param headers: prepared headers for request :type headers: Optional[dict] :param kwargs: additional keyward args :type kwargs: dict :return: body. Body can be text or dict (parsed from JSON body) :rtype: Unon """ _, data = self._request_w_response(method, url=url, **kwargs) return data
[docs] def rest_get(self, *args, **kwargs) -> StrOrDict: """ GET request :param args: :param kwargs: :return: deserialized JSON content or body text """ return self._rest_request('GET', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def rest_post(self, *args, **kwargs) -> StrOrDict: """ POST request :param args: :param kwargs: :return: deserialized JSON content or body text """ return self._rest_request('POST', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def rest_put(self, *args, **kwargs) -> StrOrDict: """ PUT request :param args: :param kwargs: :return: deserialized JSON content or body text """ return self._rest_request('PUT', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def rest_delete(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ DELETE request :param args: :param kwargs: """ self._rest_request('DELETE', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def rest_patch(self, *args, **kwargs) -> StrOrDict: """ PATCH request :param args: :param kwargs: """ return self._rest_request('PATCH', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def follow_pagination(self, url: str, model: Type[ApiModel] = None, params: dict = None, item_key: str = None, **kwargs) -> Generator[ApiModel, None, None]: """ Handling RFC5988 pagination of list requests. Generator of parsed objects :param url: start url for 1st GET :type url: str :param model: data type to return :type model: ApiModel :param params: URL parameters, optional :type params: Optional[dict] :param item_key: key to list of values :type item_key: str :return: yields parsed objects """ def noop(x): return x if model is None or not issubclass(model, ApiModel): model = noop else: model = model.model_validate while url: # not needed any more, WXCAPIBULK-27 has been fixed # if url.startswith('https,'): # url = url[6:] log.debug(f'{self}.pagination: getting {url}') response, data = self._request_w_response('GET', url=url, params=params, **kwargs) # params only in first request. In subsequent requests we rely on the completeness of the 'next' URL params = None # try to get the next page (if present) try: url = str(response.links['next']['url']) except KeyError: url = None if not data: continue # return all items if item_key is None: if 'items' in data: item_key = 'items' else: # we go w/ the first return value that is a list item_key = next((k for k, v in data.items() if isinstance(v, list))) items = data.get(item_key) for item in items: yield model(item)