Source code for wxc_sdk.rooms

Rooms API
from import Generator
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

from wxc_sdk.api_child import ApiChild
from wxc_sdk.base import ApiModel, dt_iso_str, enum_str
from wxc_sdk.common import RoomType

__all__ = ['GetRoomMeetingDetailsResponse', 'Room', 'RoomsApi']

[docs] class Room(ApiModel): #: A unique identifier for the room. id: Optional[str] = None #: A user-friendly name for the room. title: Optional[str] = None #: The ID for the team with which this room is associated. team_id: Optional[str] = None #: The classificationId for the room. classification_id: Optional[str] = None #: The room type. type: Optional[RoomType] = None #: The date and time of the room's last activity. last_activity: Optional[datetime] = None #: The ID of the person who created this room. creator_id: Optional[str] = None #: The date and time the room was created. created: Optional[datetime] = None #: The ID of the organization which owns this room. See Webex Data in the Compliance Guide for more information. owner_id: Optional[str] = None #: A compliance officer can set a direct room as read-only, which will disallow any new information exchanges in # this space, while maintaing historical data. is_read_only: Optional[bool] = None #: Set the space as locked/moderated and the creator becomes a moderator is_locked: Optional[bool] = None #: Sets the space into announcement Mode. is_announcement_only: Optional[bool] = None #: The room is public and therefore discoverable within the org. Anyone can find and join that room. is_public: Optional[bool] = None #: Date and time when the room was made public. made_public: Optional[datetime] = None #: The description of the space. description: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class GetRoomMeetingDetailsResponse(ApiModel): #: A unique identifier for the room. room_id: Optional[str] = None #: The Webex meeting URL for the room. meeting_link: Optional[str] = None #: The SIP address for the room. sip_address: Optional[str] = None #: The Webex meeting number for the room. meeting_number: Optional[str] = None #: The Webex meeting ID for the room. meeting_id: Optional[str] = None #: The toll-free PSTN number for the room. call_in_toll_free_number: Optional[str] = None #: The toll (local) PSTN number for the room. call_in_toll_number: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class RoomsApi(ApiChild, base='rooms'): """ Rooms are virtual meeting places where people post messages and collaborate to get work done. This API is used to manage the rooms themselves. Rooms are created and deleted with this API. You can also update a room to change its title, for example. To create a team room, specify the a teamId in the POST payload. Note that once a room is added to a team, it cannot be moved. To learn more about managing teams, see the Teams API. To manage people in a room see the Memberships API. To post content see the Messages API. """
[docs] def list(self, team_id: str = None, type_: RoomType = None, org_public_spaces: bool = None, from_: datetime = None, to_: datetime = None, sort_by: str = None, **params) -> Generator[Room, None, None]: """ List rooms. The title of the room for 1:1 rooms will be the display name of the other person. By default, lists rooms to which the authenticated user belongs. Long result sets will be split into pages. Known Limitations: The underlying database does not support natural sorting by lastactivity and will only sort on limited set of results, which are pulled from the database in order of roomId. For users or bots in more than 3000 spaces this can result in anomalies such as spaces that have had recent activity not being returned in the results when sorting by lastacivity. :param team_id: List rooms associated with a team, by ID. :type team_id: str :param type_: List rooms by type. Possible values: direct, group :type type_: RoomType :param org_public_spaces: Shows the org's public spaces joined and unjoined. When set the result list is sorted by the madePublic timestamp. :type org_public_spaces: bool :param from_: Filters rooms, that were made public after this time. See madePublic timestamp :type from_: datetime :param to_: Filters rooms, that were made public before this time. See maePublic timestamp :type to_: datetime :param sort_by: Sort results. Possible values: id, lastactivity, created :type sort_by: str """ if team_id is not None: params['teamId'] = team_id if type_ is not None: params['type'] = enum_str(type_) if sort_by is not None: params['sortBy'] = sort_by if org_public_spaces is not None: params['orgPublicSpaces'] = org_public_spaces if from_ is not None: params['from'] = dt_iso_str(from_) if to_ is not None: params['to'] = dt_iso_str(to_) url = self.ep() # noinspection PyTypeChecker return self.session.follow_pagination(url=url, model=Room, params=params)
[docs] def create(self, title: str, team_id: str = None, classification_id: str = None, is_locked: bool = None, is_public: bool = None, description: str = None, is_announcement_only: bool = None) -> Room: """ Creates a room. The authenticated user is automatically added as a member of the room. See the Memberships API to learn how to add more people to the room. To create a 1:1 room, use the Create Messages endpoint to send a message directly to another person by using the toPersonId or toPersonEmail parameters. Bots are not able to create and simultaneously classify a room. A bot may update a space classification after a person of the same owning organization joined the space as the first human user. A space can only be put into announcement mode when it is locked. :param title: A user-friendly name for the room. :type title: str :param team_id: The ID for the team with which this room is associated. :type team_id: str :param classification_id: The classificationId for the room. :type classification_id: str :param is_locked: Set the space as locked/moderated and the creator becomes a moderator :type is_locked: bool :param is_public: The room is public and therefore discoverable within the org. Anyone can find and join that room. When true the description must be filled in. :type is_public: bool :param description: The description of the space. :type description: str :param is_announcement_only: Sets the space into announcement Mode. :type is_announcement_only: bool """ body = {} if title is not None: body['title'] = title if team_id is not None: body['teamId'] = team_id if classification_id is not None: body['classificationId'] = classification_id if is_locked is not None: body['isLocked'] = is_locked if is_public is not None: body['isPublic'] = is_public if description is not None: body['description'] = description if is_announcement_only is not None: body['isAnnouncementOnly'] = is_announcement_only url = self.ep() data = super().post(url=url, json=body) return Room.model_validate(data)
[docs] def details(self, room_id: str) -> Room: """ Shows details for a room, by ID. The title of the room for 1:1 rooms will be the display name of the other person. Specify the room ID in the roomId parameter in the URI. :param room_id: The unique identifier for the room. :type room_id: str """ url = self.ep(f'{room_id}') data = super().get(url=url) return Room.model_validate(data)
[docs] def meeting_details(self, room_id: str) -> GetRoomMeetingDetailsResponse: """ Shows Webex meeting details for a room such as the SIP address, meeting URL, toll-free and toll dial-in numbers. Specify the room ID in the roomId parameter in the URI. :param room_id: The unique identifier for the room. :type room_id: str """ url = self.ep(f'{room_id}/meetingInfo') data = super().get(url=url) return GetRoomMeetingDetailsResponse.model_validate(data)
[docs] def update(self, update: Room) -> Room: """ Updates details for a room, by ID. Specify the room ID in the roomId parameter in the URI. A space can only be put into announcement mode when it is locked. Any space participant or compliance officer can convert a space from public to private. Only a compliance officer can convert a space from private to public and only if the space is classified with the lowest category (usually public), and the space has a description. To remove a description please use a space character by itself. :update: update to apply. ID and title have to be set. Only can update: * title: str: A user-friendly name for the room. * classification_id: str: The classificationId for the room. * team_id: str: The teamId to which this space should be assigned. Only unowned spaces can be assigned to a team. Assignment between teams is unsupported. * is_locked: bool: Set the space as locked/moderated and the creator becomes a moderator * is_announcement_only: bool: Sets the space into announcement mode or clears the anouncement Mode (false) * is_read_only: bool: A compliance officer can set a direct room as read-only, which will disallow any new information exchanges in this space, while maintaining historical data. """ update: Room data = update.model_dump_json(include={'title', 'classification_id', 'team_id', 'is_locked', 'is_announcement_only', 'is_read_only'}) if is None: raise ValueError('ID has to be set') url = self.ep(f'{}') data = super().put(url=url, data=data) return Room.model_validate(data)
[docs] def delete(self, room_id: str): """ Deletes a room, by ID. Deleted rooms cannot be recovered. As a security measure to prevent accidental deletion, when a non moderator deletes the room they are removed from the room instead. Deleting a room that is part of a team will archive the room instead. Specify the room ID in the roomId parameter in the URI. :param room_id: The unique identifier for the room. :type room_id: str """ url = self.ep(f'{room_id}') super().delete(url=url) return