Source code for wxc_sdk.workspace_locations

A Workspace Location is a physical location with a name, address, country, city, latitude and longitude.

Viewing the list of locations in an organization requires an administrator auth token with
the spark-admin:workspace_locations_read scope. Adding, updating, or deleting workspace locations in an organization
requires an administrator auth token with the spark-admin:workspace_locations_write scope.

The Workspace Locations API can also be used by partner administrators acting as administrators of a different
organization than their own. In those cases an orgId value must be supplied, as indicated in the reference
documentation for the relevant endpoints.

__all__ = ['WorkspaceLocationApi', 'WorkspaceLocationFloorApi', 'WorkspaceLocation', 'WorkspaceLocationFloor']

import logging
from import Generator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

from ..api_child import ApiChild
from ..base import to_camel, ApiModel, webex_id_to_uuid
from import RestSession

[docs] class WorkspaceLocation(ApiModel): #: Unique identifier for the location. id: str #: location id location_id: Optional[str] = None #: A friendly name for the location. display_name: str #: The location address. address: str #: The location country code (ISO 3166-1). country_code: str #: The location city name. city_name: str #: The location longitude. longitude: Optional[float] = None #: The location latitude. latitude: Optional[float] = None #: Notes associated to the location. notes: Optional[str] = None @property def id_uuid(self) -> str: """ the base64 decoded is {org_id}#{workspace_id} :return: uuid of the workspace location """ return webex_id_to_uuid('#')[-1] @property def org_id_uuid(self) -> str: """ org id as uuid """ return webex_id_to_uuid('#')[0]
[docs] class WorkspaceLocationFloor(ApiModel): id: str location_id: str floor_number: int display_name: str
[docs] class WorkspaceLocationFloorApi(ApiChild, base='workspaceLocations'): # noinspection PyMethodOverriding
[docs] def ep(self, location_id: str, floor_id: str = None): path = f'{location_id}/floors' if floor_id: path = f'{path}/{floor_id}' return super().ep(path=path)
[docs] def list(self, location_id: str, org_id: str = None) -> Generator[WorkspaceLocationFloor, None, None]: """ :param location_id: :param org_id: :return: """ url = self.ep(location_id=location_id) params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None return self.session.follow_pagination(url=url, model=WorkspaceLocationFloor, params=params, item_key='items')
[docs] def create(self, location_id: str, floor_number: int, display_name: str = None, org_id: str = None) -> WorkspaceLocationFloor: """ Create a Workspace Location Floor Create a new floor in the given location. The displayName parameter is optional, and omitting it will result in the creation of a floor without that value set. :param location_id: A unique identifier for the location. :param floor_number: :param display_name: :type location_id: str :param org_id: :type org_id: str :return: new workspace location floor :rtype: WorkspaceLocationFloor """ logging.warning('use of the workspace locations API is not recommended. use locations API instead') body = {to_camel(p): v for p, v in locals().items() if p not in {'self', 'location_id', 'org_id'} and v is not None} url = self.ep(location_id=location_id) params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None data =, params=params, json=body) return WorkspaceLocationFloor.model_validate(data)
[docs] def details(self, location_id: str, floor_id: str, org_id: str = None) -> WorkspaceLocationFloor: """ Get a Workspace Location Floor Details Shows details for a floor, by ID. Specify the floor ID in the floorId parameter in the URI. :param location_id: A unique identifier for the location. :type location_id: str :param floor_id: A unique identifier for the floor. :type floor_id: str :param org_id: :type org_id: str :return: workspace location floor details :rtype: WorkspaceLocationFloor """ url = self.ep(location_id=location_id, floor_id=floor_id) params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None data = self.get(url=url, params=params) return WorkspaceLocationFloor.model_validate(data)
[docs] def update(self, location_id: str, floor_id: str, settings: WorkspaceLocationFloor, org_id: str = None) -> WorkspaceLocationFloor: """ Updates details for a floor, by ID. Specify the floor ID in the floorId parameter in the URI. Include all details for the floor that are present in a Get Workspace Location Floor Details. Not including the optional displayName field will result in the field no longer being defined for the floor. :param location_id: A unique identifier for the location. :type location_id: str :param floor_id: A unique identifier for the floor. :type floor_id: str :param settings: new settings :type settings: WorkspaceLocationFloor :param org_id: :type org_id: str :return: updated workspace location floor """ logging.warning('use of the workspace locations API is not recommended. use locations API instead') data = settings.model_dump_json(exclude_none=True, exclude_unset=True, exclude={'id', 'location_id'}) url = self.ep(location_id=location_id, floor_id=floor_id) params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None data = self.put(url=url, data=data, params=params) return WorkspaceLocationFloor.model_validate(data)
[docs] def delete(self, location_id: str, floor_id: str, org_id: str = None): """ Delete a Workspace Location Floor Deletes a floor, by ID. :param location_id: A unique identifier for the location. :type location_id: str :param floor_id: A unique identifier for the floor. :type floor_id: str :param org_id: :type org_id: str """ logging.warning('use of the workspace locations API is not recommended. use locations API instead') url = self.ep(location_id=location_id, floor_id=floor_id) params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None super().delete(url=url, params=params)
[docs] @dataclass(init=False) class WorkspaceLocationApi(ApiChild, base='workspaceLocations'): #: Workspace location floor API :class:`WorkspaceLocationFloorApi` floors: WorkspaceLocationFloorApi def __init__(self, *, session: RestSession, base: str = None): super().__init__(session=session, base=base) self.floors = WorkspaceLocationFloorApi(session=session)
[docs] def ep(self, location_id: str = None): logging.warning('use of the workspace locations API is not recommended. use locations API instead') return super().ep(path=location_id)
[docs] def list(self, display_name: str = None, address: str = None, country_code: str = None, city_name: str = None, org_id: str = None, **params) -> Generator[WorkspaceLocation, None, None]: """ List workspace locations :param display_name: Location display name. :type display_name: str :param address: Location address :type address: str :param country_code: Location country code (ISO 3166-1). :type country_code: str :param city_name: Location city name. :type city_name: str :param org_id: Organization id :type org_id: str :param params: addtl. parameters :return: generator of :class:`WorkspaceLocation` instances """ params.update((to_camel(p), v) for p, v in locals().items() if p not in {'self', 'params'} and v is not None) url = self.ep() return self.session.follow_pagination(url=url, model=WorkspaceLocation, params=params, item_key='items')
[docs] def create(self, display_name: str, address: str, country_code: str, latitude: float, longitude: float, city_name: str = None, notes: str = None, org_id: str = None) -> WorkspaceLocation: """ Create a location. The cityName and notes parameters are optional, and omitting them will result in the creation of a location without these values set. :param display_name: A friendly name for the location. :param address: The location address. :param country_code: The location country code (ISO 3166-1). :param latitude: The location latitude. :param longitude: The location longitude. :param city_name: The location city name. :param notes: Notes associated to the location. :param org_id: :return: created workspace location :rtype: WorkspaceLocation """ logging.warning('use of the workspace locations API is not recommended. use locations API instead') body = {to_camel(p): v for p, v in locals().items() if p not in {'self', 'org_id'} and v is not None} params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None url = self.ep() data =, json=body, params=params) return WorkspaceLocation.model_validate(data)
[docs] def details(self, location_id: str, org_id: str = None) -> WorkspaceLocation: """ Get a Workspace Location Details Shows details for a location, by ID. Specify the location ID in the locationId parameter in the URI. :param location_id: A unique identifier for the location. :type location_id: str :param org_id: :type org_id: str :return: Workspace location details :rtype: WorkspaceLocation """ params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None url = self.ep(location_id=location_id) data = self.get(url=url, params=params) return WorkspaceLocation.model_validate(data)
[docs] def update(self, location_id: str, settings: WorkspaceLocation, org_id: str = None) -> WorkspaceLocation: """ Update a Workspace Location Updates details for a location, by ID. Specify the location ID in the locationId parameter in the URI. Include all details for the location that are present in a Get Workspace Location Details. Not including the optional cityName or notes fields (setting them to None) will result in the fields no longer being defined for the location. :param location_id: A unique identifier for the location. :type location_id: str :param settings: new settings :type settings: WorkspaceLocation :param org_id: :type org_id: str :return: updated workspace location :rtype: WorkspaceLocation """ logging.warning('use of the workspace locations API is not recommended. use locations API instead') params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None url = self.ep(location_id=location_id) body = settings.model_dump_json(exclude_none=True, exclude_unset=True, exclude={'id'}) data = self.put(url=url, data=body, params=params) return WorkspaceLocation.model_validate(data)
[docs] def delete(self, location_id: str, org_id: str = None): """ Delete a Workspace Location Deletes a location, by ID. The workspaces associated to that location will no longer have a location, but a new location can be reassigned to them. """ logging.warning('use of the workspace locations API is not recommended. use locations API instead') params = org_id and {'orgId': org_id} or None url = self.ep(location_id=location_id) super().delete(url=url, params=params)