wxc_sdk.meetings.closed_captions package

class wxc_sdk.meetings.closed_captions.ClosedCaption(*, id: str | None = None, meetingId: str | None = None, vttDownloadLink: str | None = None, txtDownloadLink: str | None = None, start: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

id: str | None

A unique identifier for the closed caption.

meeting_id: str | None

Unique identifier for the meeting instance which the closed captions belong to.

The download link for the closed caption vtt file.

The download link for the closed caption txt file.

start: str | None

Start time for the meeting closed caption in ISO 8601 compliant format.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.closed_captions.CCSnippet(*, id: str | None = None, meetingId: str | None = None, text: str | None = None, personName: str | None = None, personEmail: str | None = None, peopleId: str | None = None, start: str | None = None, offsetMillisecond: str | None = None, durationMillisecond: str | None = None, language: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

id: str | None

A unique identifier for the closed caption snippet.

meeting_id: str | None

Unique identifier for the meeting instance which the closed captions belong to.

text: str | None

Text for the snippet.

person_name: str | None

Name of the person who spoke.

person_email: str | None

Email address of the person who spoke.

people_id: str | None

The unique identifier for the person speaking.

start: str | None

Start time for the snippet.

offset_millisecond: str | None

Offset from the beginning of the closed captions in milliseconds indicating the start time of the snippet.

duration_millisecond: str | None

Duration of the snippet in milliseconds.

language: str | None

Original language of the snippet.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.closed_captions.MeetingClosedCaptionsApi(*, session: RestSession, base: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiChild

Meeting Closed Captions APIs are enabled upon request, and are not available by default. Please contact the Webex Developer Support team at devsupport@webex.com if you would like to enable this feature for your organization. Meeting closed captions are the automatic transcriptions of what is being said during a meeting in real-time. Closed captions appear after being enabled during a meeting and can be translated to a participant’s language. A closed caption snippet is a short text snippet from a meeting closed caption which was spoken by a particular participant in the meeting. A meeting’s closed captions consists of many snippets. The Closed Captions API manages meeting closed captions and snippets. You can list meeting closed captions, as well as list and download snippets. Closed captions can be retrieved in either Web Video Text Tracks (VTT) or plain text (TXT) format via the download links provided by the vttDownloadLink and txtDownloadlink response properties, respectively. Refer to the Meetings API Scopes section of Meetings Overview guide for the scopes required for each API. Notes: Currently, closed caption APIs are only supported for the Compliance Officer role. Closed captions will be available 15 minutes after the meeting is finished.

list(meeting_id: str, **params) Generator[ClosedCaption, None, None][source]

Lists closed captions of a finished meeting instance specified by meetingId.


meeting_id (str) – Unique identifier for the meeting instance which the closed captions belong to. This parameter only applies to ended meeting instnaces. It does not apply to meeting series, scheduled meetings or scheduled personal room meetings.

list_snippets(closed_caption_id: str, meeting_id: str, **params) Generator[CCSnippet, None, None][source]

Lists snippets of a meeting closed caption specified by closedCaptionId.

  • closed_caption_id (str) – Unique identifier for the meeting closed caption which the snippets belong to.

  • meeting_id (str) – Unique identifier for the meeting instance which the closed caption snippets belong to. This parameter only applies to ended meeting instances. It does not apply to meeting series, scheduled meetings or scheduled personal room meetings.

download_snippets(closed_caption_id: str, meeting_id: str, format: str | None = None)[source]

Download meeting closed caption snippets from the meeting closed caption specified by closedCaptionId formatted either as a Video Text Track (.vtt) file or plain text (.txt) file.

  • closed_caption_id (str) – Unique identifier for the meeting closed caption.

  • meeting_id (str) – Unique identifier for the meeting instance which the closed caption snippets belong to. This parameter only applies to meeting instances in the ended state. It does not apply to meeting series, scheduled meetings or scheduled personal room meetings.

  • format (str) – Format for the downloaded meeting closed caption snippets. Possible values: vtt, txt

base = 'meetingClosedCaptions'