wxc_sdk.meetings.participants package

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.AudioType(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

pstn = 'pstn'


voip = 'voip'


inactive = 'inactive'

The participant is not connected to audio.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.MeetingCallType(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

call_in = 'callIn'

Connect audio by dialing a toll or toll-free phone number provided by the meeting.

call_back = 'callBack'

Connect audio by dialing out a phone number from the meeting.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.MeetingDevice(*, correlationId: str | None = None, deviceType: str | None = None, audioType: AudioType | None = None, joinedTime: str | None = None, leftTime: str | None = None, durationSecond: int | None = None, callType: MeetingCallType | None = None, phoneNumber: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: InProgressDevice

duration_second: int | None

The duration in seconds the device stayed in the meeting.

call_type: MeetingCallType | None

The PSTN call type in which the device joined the meeting.

phone_number: str | None

The PSTN phone number from which the device joined the meeting. Only compliance officer can retrieve the phoneNumber. The meeting host and admin users cannot retrieve it. NOTE: The phoneNumber will be returned after the meeting ends; it is not returned while the meeting is in progress.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.InProgressDevice(*, correlationId: str | None = None, deviceType: str | None = None, audioType: AudioType | None = None, joinedTime: str | None = None, leftTime: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

correlation_id: str | None

An internal ID that is associated with each join.

device_type: str | None

The type of device.

audio_type: AudioType | None

The audio type that the participant is using.

joined_time: str | None

00.000Z the meeting may be still ongoing and the joinedTime will be filled in after the meeting ended. If you need real-time joined events, please refer to the webhooks guide.


The time the device joined the meeting. If the field is non-existent or shows 1970-01-01T00



left_time: str | None

The time the device left the meeting, leftTime is the exact moment when a specific device left the meeting. If the field is non-existent or shows 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z the meeting may be still ongoing and the leftTime will be filled in after the meeting ended. If you need real-time left events, please refer to the webhooks guide.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.MeetingParticipantsApi(*, session: RestSession, base: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiChild

This API manages meeting participants. Refer to the Meetings API Scopes section of Meetings Overview for scopes required for each API.

list_participants(meeting_id: str, host_email: str | None = None, join_time_from: str | None = None, join_time_to: str | None = None, **params) Generator[Participant, None, None][source]

List all participants in a live or post meeting. The meetingId parameter is required, which is the unique identifier for the meeting. The authenticated user calling this API must either have an Administrator role with the meeting:admin_participants_read scope, or be the meeting host.

  • meeting_id (str) – The unique identifier for the meeting. Please note that currently meeting ID of a scheduled personal room meeting is not supported for this API.

  • host_email (str) – Email address for the meeting host. This parameter is only used if the user or application calling the API has the admin-level scopes, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage and the API will return meeting participants of the meetings that are hosted by that user.

  • join_time_from (str) – The time participants join a meeting starts from the specified date and time (inclusive) in any ISO 8601 compliant format. If joinTimeFrom is not specified, it equals joinTimeTo minus 7 days.

  • join_time_to (str) – The time participants join a meeting before the specified date and time (exclusive) in any ISO 8601 compliant format. If joinTimeTo is not specified, it equals joinTimeFrom plus 7 days. The interval between joinTimeFrom and joinTimeTo must be within 90 days.

query_participants_with_email(meeting_id: str, max: int | None = None, host_email: str | None = None, join_time_from: str | None = None, join_time_to: str | None = None, emails: list[str] | None = None) list[Participant][source]

Query participants in a live meeting, or after the meeting, using participant’s email. The meetingId parameter is the unique identifier for the meeting and is required. The authenticated user calling this API must either have an Administrator role with the meeting:admin_participants_read scope, or be the meeting host.

  • meeting_id (str) – The unique identifier for the meeting.

  • max (int) – Limit the maximum number of participants in the response, up to 1000.

  • host_email (str) – Email address for the meeting host. This parameter is only used if the user or application calling the API has the admin-level scopes, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage and the API will return meeting participants of the meetings that are hosted by that user.

  • join_time_from (str) – The time participants join a meeting starts from the specified date and time (inclusive) in any ISO 8601 compliant format. If joinTimeFrom is not specified, it equals joinTimeTo minus 7 days.

  • join_time_to (str) – The time participants join a meeting before the specified date and time (exclusive) in any ISO 8601 compliant format. If joinTimeTo is not specified, it equals joinTimeFrom plus 7 days. The interval between joinTimeFrom and joinTimeTo must be within 90 days.

  • emails (List[str]) – Participants email list Possible values: a@example.com

participant_details(participant_id: str, host_email: str | None = None) Participant[source]

Get a meeting participant details of a live or post meeting. The participantId is required to identify the meeting and the participant. The authenticated user calling this API must either have an Administrator role with the meeting:admin_participants_read scope, or be the meeting host.

  • participant_id (str) – The unique identifier for the meeting and the participant.

  • host_email (str) – Email address for the meeting host. This parameter is only used if the user or application calling the API has the admin-level scopes, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage and the API will return meeting participants of the meetings that are hosted by that user.

update_participant(participant_id: str, muted: bool | None = None, admit: bool | None = None, expel: bool | None = None) UpdateParticipantResponse[source]

To mute, un-mute, expel, or admit a participant in a live meeting. The participantId is required to identify the meeting and the participant. Notes:

  • participant_id (str) – The unique identifier for the meeting and the participant.

  • muted (bool) – The value is true or false, and means to mute or unmute the audio of a participant.

  • admit (bool) – The value can be true or false. The value of true is to admit a participant to the meeting if the participant is in the lobby, No-Op if the participant is not in the lobby or when the value is set to false.

  • expel (bool) – The attribute is exclusive and its value can be true or false. The value of true means that the participant will be expelled from the meeting, the value of false means No-Op.

admit_participants(participant_ids: List[str] | None = None)[source]

To admit participants into a live meeting in bulk. This API limits the maximum size of items in the request body to 100. Each participantId of items in the request body should have the same prefix of meetingId.


participant_ids (List[str]) – The ID that identifies the meeting participant.

base = 'meetingParticipants'
class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.Participant(*, id: str | None = None, orgId: str | None = None, host: bool | None = None, coHost: bool | None = None, spaceModerator: bool | None = None, email: str | None = None, displayName: str | None = None, invitee: bool | None = None, muted: bool | None = None, video: VideoState | None = None, state: ParticipantState | None = None, joinedTime: str | None = None, leftTime: str | None = None, siteUrl: str | None = None, meetingId: str | None = None, hostEmail: str | None = None, devices: list[MeetingDevice] | None = None, sourceId: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

id: str | None

The ID that identifies the meeting and the participant.

org_id: str | None

The ID that identifies the organization. It only applies to participants of ongoing meetings.

host: bool | None

Whether or not the participant is the host of the meeting.

co_host: bool | None

Whether or not the participant has host privilege in the meeting.

space_moderator: bool | None

Whether or not the participant is the team space moderator. This field returns only if the meeting is associated with a Webex space.

email: str | None

The email address of the participant.

display_name: str | None

The name of the participant.

invitee: bool | None

Whether or not the participant is invited to the meeting.

muted: bool | None

Whether or not the participant’s audio is muted.

video: VideoState | None

The status of the participant’s video.

state: ParticipantState | None

The status of the participant in the meeting.

joined_time: str | None

00.000Z the meeting may be still ongoing and the joinedTime will be filled in after the meeting ended. If you need real-time join events, please refer to the webhooks guide.


The time the participant joined the meeting. If the field is non-existent or shows 1970-01-01T00



left_time: str | None

00.000Z the meeting may be still ongoing and the leftTime will be filled in after the meeting ended. If you need real-time left events, please refer to the webhooks guide.


The time the participant left the meeting. If the field is non-existent or shows 1970-01-01T00



site_url: str | None

The site URL.

meeting_id: str | None

A unique identifier for the meeting which the participant belongs to.

host_email: str | None

The email address of the host.

devices: list[MeetingDevice] | None
source_id: str | None

The source ID of the participant. The sourceId is from the Create Invitation Sources API.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.ParticipantState(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

lobby = 'lobby'

The participant is waiting in the meeting lobby.

joined = 'joined'

The participant has joined the meeting.

end = 'end'

The participant has left the meeting.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.UpdateParticipantResponse(*, id: str | None = None, orgId: str | None = None, host: bool | None = None, coHost: bool | None = None, spaceModerator: bool | None = None, email: str | None = None, displayName: str | None = None, invitee: bool | None = None, video: VideoState | None = None, muted: bool | None = None, state: ParticipantState | None = None, siteUrl: str | None = None, meetingId: str | None = None, hostEmail: str | None = None, devices: list[InProgressDevice] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

id: str | None

The participant ID that identifies the meeting and the participant.

org_id: str | None

The ID that identifies the organization.

host: bool | None

Whether or not the participant is the host of the meeting.

co_host: bool | None

Whether or not the participant has host privilege in the meeting.

space_moderator: bool | None

Whether or not the participant is the team space moderator. This field returns only if the meeting is associated with a Webex space.

email: str | None

The email address of the participant.

display_name: str | None

The name of the participant.

invitee: bool | None

Whether or not the participant is invited to the meeting.

video: VideoState | None

The status of the participant’s video.

muted: bool | None

Whether or not the participant’s audio is muted.

state: ParticipantState | None

The status of the participant in the meeting.

site_url: str | None

The site URL.

meeting_id: str | None

A unique identifier for the meeting which the participant belongs to.

host_email: str | None

The email address of the host.

devices: list[InProgressDevice] | None
class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.VideoState(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

on = 'on'

The video is turned on.

off = 'off'

The video is turned off.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.QueryMeetingParticipantsWithEmailBody(*, emails: list[str] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

emails: list[str] | None

Participants email list Possible values: a@example.com

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.UpdateParticipantBody(*, muted: bool | None = None, admit: bool | None = None, expel: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

muted: bool | None

The value is true or false, and means to mute or unmute the audio of a participant.

admit: bool | None

The value can be true or false. The value of true is to admit a participant to the meeting if the participant is in the lobby, No-Op if the participant is not in the lobby or when the value is set to false.

expel: bool | None

The attribute is exclusive and its value can be true or false. The value of true means that the participant will be expelled from the meeting, the value of false means No-Op.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.participants.AdmitParticipantsBody(*, items: list[str] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

items: list[str] | None

The ID that identifies the meeting participant.