wxc_sdk.person_settings.barge module

Person barge settings API

class wxc_sdk.person_settings.barge.BargeSettings(*, enabled: bool, toneEnabled: bool)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

Barge settings

enabled: bool

indicates if the Barge In feature is enabled.

tone_enabled: bool

Indicates that a stutter dial tone will be played when a person is barging in on the active call.

class wxc_sdk.person_settings.barge.BargeApi(*, session: RestSession, selector: ApiSelector = ApiSelector.person)[source]

Bases: PersonSettingsApiChild

API for barge settings; also used for virtual lines

feature = 'bargeIn'
read(entity_id: str, org_id: str | None = None) BargeSettings[source]

Retrieve Barge In Settings

The Barge In feature enables you to use a Feature Access Code (FAC) to answer a call that was directed to another subscriber, or barge-in on the call if it was already answered. Barge In can be used across locations.

This API requires a full, user, or read-only administrator auth token with a scope of spark-admin:people_read or a user auth token with spark:people_read scope can be used by an entity to read their own settings.

  • entity_id (str) – Unique identifier for the entity.

  • org_id (str) – entity is in this organization. Only admin users of another organization (such as partners) may use this parameter as the default is the same organization as the token used to access API.


barge settings for specific user

Return type:


configure(entity_id: str, barge_settings: BargeSettings, org_id: str | None = None)[source]

Configure Barge In Settings

The Barge In feature enables you to use a Feature Access Code (FAC) to answer a call that was directed to another subscriber, or barge-in on the call if it was already answered. Barge In can be used across locations.

This API requires a full or user administrator auth token with the spark-admin:people_write scope or a user auth token with spark:people_write scope can be used by an entity to update their own settings.

  • entity_id (str) – Unique identifier for the entity.

  • barge_settings (BargeSettings) – new setting to be applied

  • org_id – entity is in this organization. Only admin users of another organization (such as partners) may use this parameter as the default is the same organization as the token used to access API.

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