wxc_sdk.person_settings.receptionist module

Receptionist client settings API

class wxc_sdk.person_settings.receptionist.ReceptionistApi(*, session: RestSession, selector: ApiSelector = ApiSelector.person)[source]

Bases: PersonSettingsApiChild

API for person’s receptionist client settings

feature = 'reception'
read(person_id: str, org_id: str | None = None) ReceptionistSettings[source]

Read Receptionist Client Settings for a Person

Retrieve a Person’s Receptionist Client Settings

To help support the needs of your front-office personnel, you can set up people or workspaces as telephone attendants so that they can screen all incoming calls to certain numbers within your organization.

This API requires a full, user, or read-only administrator auth token with a scope of spark-admin:people_read.

  • person_id (str) – Unique identifier for the person.

  • org_id (str) – Person is in this organization. Only admin users of another organization (such as partners) may use this parameter as the default is the same organization as the token used to access API.


receptionist client settings

Return type:


configure(person_id: str, settings: ReceptionistSettings, org_id: str | None = None)[source]

Modify Executive Assistant Settings for a Person

Modify the executive assistant settings for the specified personId.

People with the executive service enabled, can select from a pool of assistants who have been assigned the executive assistant service and who can answer or place calls on their behalf. Executive assistants can set the call forward destination and join or leave an executive’s pool.

This API requires a full or user administrator auth token with the spark-admin:people_write scope.

  • person_id (str) – Unique identifier for the person.

  • settings (ReceptionistSettings) – New receptionist client settings

  • org_id (str) – Person is in this organization. Only admin users of another organization (such as partners) may use this parameter as the default is the same organization as the token used to access API.

base = ''
class wxc_sdk.person_settings.receptionist.ReceptionistSettings(*, receptionEnabled: bool | None = None, monitoredMembers: list[str | MonitoredMember] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

user’s receptionist client settings

enabled: bool | None

Set to true to enable the Receptionist Client feature.

monitored_members: list[str | MonitoredMember] | None

List of people and/or workspaces to monitor. for updates can be a list of IDs