wxc_sdk.meetings.qualities package

Mesting qualities API

class wxc_sdk.meetings.qualities.MediaSessionQuality(*, meetingInstanceId: str | None = None, webexUserName: str | None = None, webexUserEmail: str | None = None, joinTime: str | None = None, leaveTime: str | None = None, joinMeetingTime: str | None = None, clientType: str | None = None, clientVersion: str | None = None, osType: str | None = None, osVersion: str | None = None, hardwareType: str | None = None, speakerName: str | None = None, networkType: NetworkType | None = None, localIp: str | None = None, publicIp: str | None = None, maskedLocalIp: str | None = None, maskedPublicIp: str | None = None, camera: str | None = None, microphone: str | None = None, serverRegion: str | None = None, videoMeshCluster: str | None = None, videoMeshServer: str | None = None, participantId: str | None = None, participantSessionId: str | None = None, videoIn: list[VideoIn] | None = None, videoOut: list[VideoIn] | None = None, audioIn: list[VideoIn] | None = None, audioOut: list[VideoIn] | None = None, shareIn: list[VideoIn] | None = None, shareOut: list[VideoIn] | None = None, resources: list[QualityResources] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

meeting_instance_id: str | None

The meeting identifier for the specific meeting instance.

webex_user_name: str | None

The display name of the participant of this media session.

webex_user_email: str | None

The email address of the participant of this media session.

join_time: str | None

The date and time when this participant joined the meeting.

leave_time: str | None

The date and time when this participant left the meeting.

join_meeting_time: str | None

The join meeting time of the participant.

client_type: str | None

The type of the client (and OS) used by this media session.

client_version: str | None

The version of the client used by this media session.

os_type: str | None

The operating system used for the client.

os_version: str | None

The version of the operating system used for the client.

hardware_type: str | None

The type of hardware used to attend the meeting

speaker_name: str | None

A description of the speaker used in the meeting.

network_type: NetworkType | None

The type of network.

local_ip: str | None

The local IP address of the client.

public_ip: str | None

The public IP address of the client.

masked_local_ip: str | None

The masked local IP address of the client.

masked_public_ip: str | None

The masked public IP address of the client.

camera: str | None

A description of the camera used in the meeting.

microphone: str | None

A description of the microphone used in the meeting.

server_region: str | None

The server region.

video_mesh_cluster: str | None

The video mesh cluster name.

video_mesh_server: str | None

The video mesh server name.

participant_id: str | None

Identifies the participant.

participant_session_id: str | None

Identifies a specific session the participant has in a given meeting.

video_in: list[VideoIn] | None

The collection of downstream (sent to the client) video quality data.

video_out: list[VideoIn] | None

The collection of upstream (sent from the client) video quality data.

audio_in: list[VideoIn] | None

The collection of downstream (sent to the client) audio quality data.

audio_out: list[VideoIn] | None

The collection of upstream (sent from the client) audio quality data.

share_in: list[VideoIn] | None

The collection of downstream (sent to the client) share quality data.

share_out: list[VideoIn] | None

The collection of upstream (sent from the client) share quality data.

resources: list[QualityResources] | None

Device resources such as CPU and memory.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.qualities.MeetingQualitiesApi(*, session: RestSession, base: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiChild

To retrieve quality information, you must use an administrator token with the analytics:read_all scope. The authenticated user must be a read-only or full administrator of the organization to which the meeting belongs and must not be an external administrator. To use this endpoint, the org needs to be licensed for the Webex Pro Pack. For CI-Native site, no additional settings are required. For CI-linked site, the admin must also be set as the Full/ReadOnly Site Admin of the site. A minimum Webex and Teams client version is required. For details, see Troubleshooting Help Doc. Quality information is available 10 minutes after a meeting has started and may be retrieved for up to 7 days. A rate limit of 1 API call every 5 minutes for the same meeting instance ID applies.

meeting_qualities(meeting_id: str, offset: int | None = None, **params) Generator[MediaSessionQuality, None, None][source]

Get quality data for a meeting, by meetingId. Only organization administrators can retrieve meeting quality data.

  • meeting_id (str) – Unique identifier for the specific meeting instance. Note: The meetingId can be obtained via the Meeting List API when meetingType=meeting. The id attribute in the Meeting List Response is what is needed, for example, e5dba9613a9d455aa49f6ffdafb6e7db_I_191395283063545470.

  • offset (int) – Offset from the first result that you want to fetch.

documentation: https://developer.webex.com/docs/api/v1/meeting-qualities/get-meeting-qualities

base = ''
class wxc_sdk.meetings.qualities.NetworkType(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

wifi = 'wifi'
cellular = 'cellular'
ethernet = 'ethernet'
unknown = 'unknown'
class wxc_sdk.meetings.qualities.QualityResources(*, processAverageCpu: list[int] | None = None, processMaxCpu: list[int] | None = None, systemAverageCpu: list[int] | None = None, systemMaxCpu: list[int] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

process_average_cpu: list[int] | None

The average percent CPU for the process.

process_max_cpu: list[int] | None

The max percent CPU for the process.

system_average_cpu: list[int] | None

The average percent CPU for the system.

system_max_cpu: list[int] | None

The max percent CPU for the system.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.qualities.TransportType(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

udp = 'UDP'
tcp = 'TCP'
class wxc_sdk.meetings.qualities.VideoIn(*, samplingInterval: int | None = None, startTime: str | None = None, endTime: str | None = None, packetLoss: list[int] | None = None, latency: list[int] | None = None, resolutionHeight: list[int] | None = None, frameRate: list[int] | None = None, mediaBitRate: list[int] | None = None, codec: str | None = None, jitter: list[int] | None = None, transportType: TransportType | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

sampling_interval: int | None

The sampling interval, in seconds, of the downstream video quality data.

start_time: str | None

The date and time when this video session started.

end_time: str | None

The date and time when this video session ended.

packet_loss: list[int] | None

The percentage of video packet loss, as a float between 0.0 and 100.0, during each sampling interval.

latency: list[int] | None

The average latency, in milliseconds, during each sampling interval.

resolution_height: list[int] | None

The pixel height of the incoming video.

frame_rate: list[int] | None

The frames per second of the incoming video.

media_bit_rate: list[int] | None

The bit rate of the incoming video.

codec: str | None

The incoming video codec.

jitter: list[int] | None

The incoming video jitter.

transport_type: TransportType | None

The network protocol used for video transmission.