wxc_sdk.meetings.recordings package

class wxc_sdk.meetings.recordings.RecordingFormat(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

mp4 = 'MP4'

Recording file format is MP4.

arf = 'ARF'

Recording file format is ARF, a proprietary Webex recording format.

uploaded = 'UPLOADED'

The recording file is uploaded manually.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.recordings.RecordingServiceType(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

meeting_center = 'MeetingCenter'

The service type for the recording is meeting.

event_center = 'EventCenter'

The service type for the recording is the event.

training_center = 'TrainingCenter'

The service type for the recording is the training session.

support_center = 'SupportCenter'

The service type for the recording is the support meeting.

class wxc_sdk.meetings.recordings.RecordingStatus(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

available = 'available'

Recording is available.

deleted = 'deleted'

Recording has been moved to the recycle bin.

purged = 'purged'

Recording has been purged from the recycle bin. Please note that only a compliance officer can access recordings with a purged status.

none_ = 'none'
class wxc_sdk.meetings.recordings.Recording(*, id: str | None = None, meetingId: str | None = None, scheduledMeetingId: str | None = None, meetingSeriesId: str | None = None, topic: str | None = None, createTime: datetime | None = None, timeRecorded: datetime | None = None, hostDisplayName: str | None = None, hostEmail: str | None = None, siteUrl: str | None = None, downloadUrl: str | None = None, playbackUrl: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, format: RecordingFormat | None = None, serviceType: RecordingServiceType | None = None, durationSeconds: int | None = None, sizeBytes: int | None = None, shareToMe: bool | None = None, temporaryDirectDownloadLinks: TemporaryDirectDownloadLinks | None = None, integrationTags: list[str] | None = None, status: RecordingStatus | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

id: str | None

A unique identifier for the recording. example: 4f914b1dfe3c4d11a61730f18c0f5387

meeting_id: str | None

Unique identifier for the recording’s ended meeting instance. example: f91b6edce9864428af084977b7c68291_I_166641849979635652

scheduled_meeting_id: str | None

Unique identifier for the recording’s scheduled meeting instance. example: f91b6edce9864428af084977b7c68291_I_166641849979635652

meeting_series_id: str | None

Unique identifier for the recording’s meeting series. example: f91b6edce9864428af084977b7c68291

topic: str | None

The recording’s topic. example: John’s Meeting

create_time: datetime | None

The date and time recording was created in ISO 8601 compliant format. Please note that it’s not the time the record button was clicked in meeting but the time the recording file was generated offline. example: 2019-01-27T17:43:24Z

time_recorded: datetime | None

The date and time recording started in ISO 8601 compliant format. It indicates when the record button was clicked in the meeting. example: 2019-01-27T17:40:20Z

host_display_name: str | None

Site URL for the recording. example: site4-example.webex.com Display name for the meeting host. example: John Andersen

host_email: str | None

Email address for the meeting host. example: john.andersen@example.com

site_url: str | None

Site URL for the recording. example: site4-example.webex.com

download_url: str | None






playback_url: str | None

The playback link for recording. example: https://site4-example.webex.com/site4/ldr.php?RCID=7a8a476b29a32cd1e06dfa6c81970f19

password: str | None

The recording’s password. example: BgJep@43

format: RecordingFormat | None




service_type: RecordingServiceType | None

The service type for the recording. example: MeetingCenter

duration_seconds: int | None

The duration of the recording, in seconds. example: 4472

size_bytes: int | None

The size of the recording file, in bytes. example: 248023188

share_to_me: bool | None

Whether or not the recording has been shared to the current user.

The download links for MP4/ARF, audio, and transcript of the recording without HTML page rendering in browser or HTTP redirect. This attribute is not available if the user is not a Compliance Officer and Prevent Downloading has been turned on for the recording being requested. The Prevent Downloading option can be viewed and set on page when editing a recording. Note that there are various products in Webex Suite such as “Webex Meetings”, “Webex Training” and “Webex Events”.

integration_tags: list[str] | None

External keys of the parent meeting created by an integration application. They could be Zendesk ticket IDs, Jira IDs, Salesforce Opportunity IDs, etc. The integration application queries recordings by a key in its own domain.

status: RecordingStatus | None
class wxc_sdk.meetings.recordings.RecordingsApi(*, session: RestSession, base: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiChild


Recordings are meeting content captured in a meeting or files uploaded via the upload page for your Webex site.

This API manages recordings. Recordings may be retrieved via download or playback links defined by downloadUrl or playbackUrl in the response body.

When the recording function is paused in the meeting the recording will not contain the pause. If the recording function is stopped and restarted in the meeting, several recordings will be created. These recordings will be consolidated and available all at once.

Refer to the Meetings API Scopes for the specific scopes required for each API.

list_recordings(from_: str | datetime | None = None, to_: str | datetime | None = None, meeting_id: str | None = None, host_email: str | None = None, site_url: str | None = None, integration_tag: str | None = None, topic: str | None = None, format_: RecordingFormat | None = None, service_type: RecordingServiceType | None = None, status: RecordingStatus | None = None, **params) Generator[Recording, None, None][source]

List Recordings

Lists recordings. You can specify a date range, a parent meeting ID, and the maximum number of recordings to return.

Only recordings of meetings hosted by or shared with the authenticated user will be listed.

The list returned is sorted in descending order by the date and time that the recordings were created.

  • If meetingId is specified, only recordings associated with the specified meeting will be listed. NOTE: when meetingId is specified, parameter of siteUrl will be ignored.

  • If siteUrl is specified, recordings of the specified site will be listed; otherwise, the API lists recordings of all the user’s sites. All available Webex sites and preferred site of the user can be retrieved by Get Site List API.

  • from (Union[str, datetime]) –

    Starting date and time (inclusive) for recordings to return, in any ISO 8601 compliant format. from cannot be after to.

  • to (Union[str, datetime]) –

    Ending date and time (exclusive) for List recordings to return, in any ISO 8601 compliant format. to cannot be before from.

  • meeting_id (str) – Unique identifier for the parent meeting series, scheduled meeting, or meeting instance for which recordings are being requested. If a meeting series ID is specified, the operation returns an array of recordings for the specified meeting series. If a scheduled meeting ID is specified, the operation returns an array of recordings for the specified scheduled meeting. If a meeting instance ID is specified, the operation returns an array of recordings for the specified meeting instance. If no ID is specified, the operation returns an array of recordings for all meetings of the current user. When meetingId is specified, the siteUrl parameter is ignored.

  • host_email (str) – Email address for the meeting host. This parameter is only used if the user or application calling the API has the required admin-level meeting scopes. If set, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage and the API will return recordings of that user.

  • site_url (str) –

    URL of the Webex site from which the API lists recordings. If not specified, the API lists recordings from all of a user’s sites. All available Webex sites and the preferred site of the user can be retrieved by the Get Site List API.

  • integration_tag (str) – External key of the parent meeting created by an integration application. This parameter is used by the integration application to query recordings by a key in its own domain, such as a Zendesk ticket ID, a Jira ID, a Salesforce Opportunity ID, etc.

  • topic (str) – Recording’s topic. If specified, the API filters recordings by topic in a case-insensitive manner.

  • format (RecordingsFormat) – Recording’s file format. If specified, the API filters recordings by format.

  • service_type (RecordingServiceType) – The service type for recordings. If this item is specified, the API filters recordings by service-type.

  • status (ListRecordingsStatus) – Recording’s status. If not specified or available, retrieves recordings that are available. Otherwise, if specified as deleted, retrieves recordings that have been moved into the recycle bin.


Generator yielding RecordingObject instances

list_recordings_for_an_admin_or_compliance_officer(from_: str | datetime | None = None, to_: str | datetime | None = None, meeting_id: str | None = None, site_url: str | None = None, integration_tag: str | None = None, topic: str | None = None, format_: RecordingFormat | None = None, service_type: RecordingServiceType | None = None, status: RecordingStatus | None = None, **params) Generator[Recording, None, None][source]

List Recordings For an Admin or Compliance Officer

List recordings for an admin or compliance officer. You can specify a date range, a parent meeting ID, and the maximum number of recordings to return.

The list returned is sorted in descending order by the date and time that the recordings were created.

Long result sets are split into pages.

  • If meetingId is specified, only recordings associated with the specified meeting will be listed. Please note that when meetingId is specified, parameter of siteUrl will be ignored.

  • If siteUrl is specified, all the recordings on the specified site are listed; otherwise, all the recordings on the admin user’s or compliance officer’s preferred site are listed. All the available Webex sites and the admin user’s or compliance officer’s preferred site can be retrieved by the Get Site List API.

  • from (Union[str, datetime]) –

    Starting date and time (inclusive) for recordings to return, in any ISO 8601 compliant format. from cannot be after to. The interval between from and to must be within 30 days.

  • to (Union[str, datetime]) –

    Ending date and time (exclusive) for List recordings to return, in any ISO 8601 compliant format. to cannot be before from. The interval between from and to must be within 30 days.

  • meeting_id (str) – Unique identifier for the parent meeting series, scheduled meeting, or meeting instance for which recordings are being requested. If a meeting series ID is specified, the operation returns an array of recordings for the specified meeting series. If a scheduled meeting ID is specified, the operation returns an array of recordings for the specified scheduled meeting. If a meeting instance ID is specified, the operation returns an array of recordings for the specified meeting instance. If not specified, the operation returns an array of recordings for all the current user’s meetings. When meetingId is specified, the siteUrl parameter is ignored.

  • site_url (str) –

    URL of the Webex site which the API lists recordings from. If not specified, the API lists recordings from user’s preferred site. All available Webex sites and preferred site of the user can be retrieved by Get Site List API.

  • integration_tag (str) – External key of the parent meeting created by an integration application. This parameter is used by the integration application to query recordings by a key in its own domain such as a Zendesk ticket ID, a Jira ID, a Salesforce Opportunity ID, etc.

  • topic (str) – Recording topic. If specified, the API filters recordings by topic in a case-insensitive manner.

  • format (RecordingsFormat) – Recording’s file format. If specified, the API filters recordings by format.

  • service_type (RecordingServiceType) – The service type for recordings. If specified, the API filters recordings by service type.

  • status (ListRecordingsStatus) – Recording’s status. If not specified or available, retrieves recordings that are available. Otherwise, if specified as deleted, retrieves recordings that have been moved to the recycle bin.


Generator yielding RecordingObjectForAdminAndCO instances

get_recording_details(recording_id: str, host_email: str | None = None) Recording[source]

Get Recording Details

Retrieves details for a recording with a specified recording ID.

Only recordings of meetings hosted by or shared with the authenticated user may be retrieved.

  • recording_id (str) – A unique identifier for the recording.

  • host_email (str) –

    Email address for the meeting host. Only used if the user or application calling the API has required admin-level meeting scopes. If set, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage, and the API will return recording details of that user.

Return type:


delete_a_recording(recording_id: str, reason: str, comment: str, host_email: str | None = None)[source]

Delete a Recording

Removes a recording with a specified recording ID. The deleted recording cannot be recovered. If a Compliance Officer deletes another user’s recording, the recording will be inaccessible to regular users (host, attendees and shared), but will be still available to the Compliance Officer.

Only recordings of meetings hosted by the authenticated user can be deleted.

  • recording_id (str) – A unique identifier for the recording.

  • reason (str) – Reason for deleting a recording. Only required when a Compliance Officer is operating on another user’s recording.

  • comment (str) – Compliance Officer’s explanation for deleting a recording. The comment can be a maximum of 255 characters long.

  • host_email (str) –

    Email address for the meeting host. Only used if the user or application calling the API has the required admin-level meeting scopes. If set, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage and the API will delete a recording of that user.

Return type:


move_recordings_into_the_recycle_bin(recording_ids: list[str], site_url: str, host_email: str | None = None)[source]

Move Recordings into the Recycle Bin

Move recordings into the recycle bin with recording IDs. Recordings in the recycle bin can be recovered by Restore Recordings from Recycle Bin API. If you’d like to empty recordings from the recycle bin, you can use Purge Recordings from Recycle Bin API to purge all or some of them.

Only recordings of meetings hosted by the authenticated user can be moved into the recycle bin.

  • recordingIds should not be empty and its maximum size is 100.

  • All the IDs of recordingIds should belong to the site of siteUrl or the user’s preferred site if

    siteUrl is not specified.

  • recording_ids (list[str]) – Recording IDs for removing recordings into the recycle bin in batch. Please note that all the recording IDs should belong to the site of siteUrl or the user’s preferred site if siteUrl is not specified.

  • site_url (str) –

    URL of the Webex site from which the API deletes recordings. If not specified, the API deletes recordings from the user’s preferred site. All available Webex sites and preferred sites of a user can be retrieved by the Get Site List API.

  • host_email (str) –

    Email address for the meeting host. Only used if the user or application calling the API has the required admin-level meeting scopes. If set, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage and the API will move recordings into recycle bin of that user

Return type:


restore_recordings_from_recycle_bin(restore_all: bool, recording_ids: list[str], site_url: str, host_email: str | None = None)[source]

Restore Recordings from Recycle Bin

Restore all or some recordings from the recycle bin. Only recordings of meetings hosted by the authenticated user can be restored from recycle bin.

  • If restoreAll is true, recordingIds should be empty.

  • If restoreAll is false, recordingIds should not be empty and its maximum size is 100.

  • All the IDs of recordingIds should belong to the site of siteUrl or the user’s preferred site if

    siteUrl is not specified.

  • restore_all (bool) – If not specified or false, restores the recordings specified by recordingIds. If true, restores all recordings from the recycle bin.

  • recording_ids (list[str]) – Recording IDs for recovering recordings from the recycle bin in batch. Note that all the recording IDs should belong to the site of siteUrl or the user’s preferred site if siteUrl is not specified.

  • site_url (str) –

    URL of the Webex site from which the API restores recordings. If not specified, the API restores recordings from a user’s preferred site. All available Webex sites and preferred sites of a user can be retrieved by Get Site List API.

  • host_email (str) –

    Email address for the meeting host. This parameter is only used if the user or application calling the API has the required admin-level meeting scopes. If set, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage and the API will restore recordings of that user.

Return type:


purge_recordings_from_recycle_bin(purge_all: bool, recording_ids: list[str], site_url: str, host_email: str | None = None)[source]

Purge Recordings from Recycle Bin

Purge recordings from recycle bin with recording IDs or purge all the recordings that are in the recycle bin.

Only recordings of meetings hosted by the authenticated user can be purged from recycle bin.

  • If purgeAll is true, recordingIds should be empty.

  • If purgeAll is false, recordingIds should not be empty and its maximum size is 100.

  • All the IDs of recordingIds should belong to the site of siteUrl or the user’s preferred site if

    siteUrl is not specified.

  • purge_all (bool) – If not specified or false, purges the recordings specified by recordingIds. If true, purges all recordings from the recycle bin.

  • recording_ids (list[str]) – Recording IDs for purging recordings from the recycle bin in batch. Note that all the recording IDs should belong to the site of siteUrl or the user’s preferred site if siteUrl is not specified.

  • site_url (str) –

    URL of the Webex site from which the API purges recordings. If not specified, the API purges recordings from user’s preferred site. All available Webex sites and preferred sites of the user can be retrieved by Get Site List API.

  • host_email (str) –

    Email address for the meeting host. Only used if the user or application calling the API has the required admin-level meeting scopes. If set, the admin may specify the email of a user in a site they manage and the API will purge recordings from recycle bin of that user.

Return type:


base = ''