wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding module

Forwarding settings and API for call queues, hunt groups, and auto attendants

class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.ForwardingRule(*, id: str, name: str | None = None, callsFrom: str | None = None, forwardTo: str | None = None, callsTo: str | None = None, enabled: bool)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

id: str
name: str | None
calls_from: str | None
forward_to: str | None
calls_to: str | None
enabled: bool
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.ForwardingSetting(*, enabled: bool | None = None, destination: str | None = None, ringReminderEnabled: bool | None = None, destinationVoiceMailEnabled: bool | None = None, sendToVoicemailEnabled: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

enabled: bool | None

Always call forwarding is enabled or disabled.

destination: str | None

Destination for “Always” call forwarding. example: 2225551212

ring_reminder_enabled: bool | None

If true, a brief tone will be played on the person’s phone when a call has been forwarded.

destination_voice_mail_enabled: bool | None

Indicates enabled or disabled state of sending incoming calls to voicemail when the destination is an internal phone number and that number has the voicemail service enabled.

send_to_voicemail_enabled: bool | None

Indicates enabled or disabled state of sending incoming calls to voicemail when the destination is an internal phone number and that number has the voicemail service enabled.

static default() ForwardingSetting[source]
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.CallForwarding(*, always: ForwardingSetting, selective: ForwardingSetting, rules: list[ForwardingRule] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

always: ForwardingSetting
selective: ForwardingSetting
rules: list[ForwardingRule] | None
static default() CallForwarding[source]
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.ForwardToSelection(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

default_number = 'FORWARD_TO_DEFAULT_NUMBER'
specified_number = 'FORWARD_TO_SPECIFIED_NUMBER'
dont_forward = 'DO_NOT_FORWARD'
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.CallForwardingNumberType(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

Number type for call forwarding number

primary = 'PRIMARY'
alternate = 'ALTERNATE'
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.CallForwardingNumber(*, phoneNumber: str | None = None, extension: str | None = None, type: CallForwardingNumberType)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

single number in forwarding calls to definition

phone_number: str | None
extension: str | None
number_type: CallForwardingNumberType
classmethod validate_phone_number(v)[source]

Platform returns NANP numbers w/o + :meta private:

model_dump(*args, **kwargs)[source]

When serializing remove the +1- again

class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.ForwardCallsTo(*, numbers: list[CallForwardingNumber] = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

List of numbers in custom number definition

numbers: list[CallForwardingNumber]
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.CustomNumbers(*, privateNumberEnabled: bool = False, unavailableNumberEnabled: bool = False, numbers: list[str] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

custom numbers definition in forwarding rule

private_number_enabled: bool
unavailable_number_enabled: bool
numbers: list[str] | None
model_dump(*args, **kwargs)[source]

When serializing remove the +1- again :meta private:

class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.CallsFrom(*, selection: ~wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.ForwardFromSelection = <ForwardFromSelection.any: 'ANY'>, customNumbers: ~wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.CustomNumbers = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

calls_from specification in forwarding rule

selection: ForwardFromSelection
custom_numbers: CustomNumbers
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.ForwardingRuleDetails(*, name: str, id: str | None = None, enabled: bool, holidaySchedule: str | None = None, businessSchedule: str | None = None, forwardTo: ForwardTo, callsTo: ForwardCallsTo, callsFrom: CallsFrom)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

Details of a call forwarding rule

name: str
id: str | None

A unique identifier for the auto attendant call forward selective rule.

enabled: bool

Flag to indicate if always call forwarding selective rule criteria is active. If not set, flag will be set to false.

holiday_schedule: str | None

Name of the holiday schedule which determines when this selective call forwarding rule is in effect.

business_schedule: str | None

Name of the location’s business schedule which determines when this selective call forwarding rule is in effect.

forward_to: ForwardTo

Number to which calls will be forwarded if the rule is of type “Forward To” and the incoming call is matched.

calls_to: ForwardCallsTo

Comma-separated list of the types of numbers being matched for incoming call destination.

calls_from: CallsFrom

Comma-separated list of incoming call numbers that, when matched, will not be forwarded. A Limit of 12 numbers is allowed. Use Any private Number in the comma-separated value to indicate rules that match incoming calls from a private number. Use Any unavailable number in the comma-separated value to match incoming calls from an unavailable number.

static default(name: str) ForwardingRuleDetails[source]
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.FeatureSelector(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

queues = 'queues'
huntgroups = 'huntGroups'
auto_attendants = 'autoAttendants'
class wxc_sdk.telephony.forwarding.ForwardingApi(session: RestSession, feature_selector: FeatureSelector)[source]

Bases: object

API for forwarding settings on call queues, hunt groups, and auto attendants

settings(location_id: str, feature_id: str, org_id: str | None = None) CallForwarding[source]

Retrieve Call Forwarding settings for the designated feature including the list of call forwarding rules.

  • location_id (str) – Location in which this feature exists.

  • feature_id (str) – Retrieve the call forwarding settings for this entity

  • org_id (str) – Retrieve call forwarding settings from this organization.


call forwarding settings

Return type:


update(location_id: str, feature_id: str, forwarding: CallForwarding, org_id: str | None = None)[source]

Update Call Forwarding Settings for a feature

Update Call Forwarding settings for the designated feature.

Updating call forwarding settings for a feature requires a full administrator auth token with a scope of spark-admin:telephony_config_write.

  • location_id (str) – Location in which this feature exists.

  • feature_id (str) – Update call forwarding settings for this feature.

  • forwarding (CallForwarding) – Forwarding settings

  • org_id (str) – Update feature forwarding settings from this organization.

create_call_forwarding_rule(location_id: str, feature_id: str, forwarding_rule: ForwardingRuleDetails, org_id: str | None = None) str[source]

Create a Selective Call Forwarding Rule feature

A selective call forwarding rule for feature to be forwarded or not forwarded to the designated number, based on the defined criteria.

Note that the list of existing call forward rules is available feature’s call forwarding settings. :param location_id: Location in which the call queue exists. :type location_id: str :param feature_id: Create the rule for this feature :type feature_id: str :param forwarding_rule: details of rule to be created :type forwarding_rule: ForwardingRuleDetails :param org_id: Create the feature forwarding rule for this organization. :type org_id: str :return: forwarding rule id :rtype; str

call_forwarding_rule(location_id: str, feature_id: str, rule_id: str, org_id: str | None = None) ForwardingRuleDetails[source]

Retrieve a Selective Call Forwarding Rule’s settings for the designated Call Queue.

A selective call forwarding rule for feature allows calls to be forwarded or not forwarded to the designated number, based on the defined criteria.

Note that the list of existing call forward rules is available in the feature’s call forwarding settings. :param location_id: Location in which the feature exists. :type location_id: stre :param feature_id: Retrieve setting for a rule for this feature. :type feature_id: str :param rule_id: feature rule you are retrieving settings for. :type rule_id: str :param org_id: Retrieve feature forwarding settings from this organization. :type org_id: str :return: call forwarding rule details :rtype: ForwardingRuleDetails

update_call_forwarding_rule(location_id: str, feature_id: str, rule_id: str, forwarding_rule: ForwardingRuleDetails, org_id: str | None = None) str[source]

Update a Selective Call Forwarding Rule’s settings for the designated feature.

A selective call forwarding rule for feature allows calls to be forwarded or not forwarded to the designated number, based on the defined criteria.

Note that the list of existing call forward rules is available in the feature’s call forwarding settings.

NOTE: The Call Forwarding Rule ID will change upon modification of the Call Forwarding Rule name.

  • location_id (str) – Location in which the feature exists.

  • feature_id (str) – Update settings for a rule for this feature.

  • rule_id (str) – feature you are updating settings for.

  • forwarding_rule (ForwardingRuleDetails) – forwarding rule details for update

  • org_id (str) – Update feature rule settings for this organization.


new call forwarding rule id

Return type:


delete_call_forwarding_rule(location_id: str, feature_id: str, rule_id: str, org_id: str | None = None)[source]

Delete a Selective Call Forwarding Rule for the designated feature.

A selective call forwarding rule for a feature allows calls to be forwarded or not forwarded to the designated number, based on the defined criteria.

Note that the list of existing call forward rules is available in the feature’s call forwarding settings.