wxc_sdk.telephony.hg_and_cq module

common base for Call Queues and Hunt Groups

class wxc_sdk.telephony.hg_and_cq.HGandCQ(*, name: str | None = None, id: str | None = None, locationName: str | None = None, locationId: str | None = None, phoneNumber: str | None = None, extension: str | None = None, routingPrefix: str | None = None, esn: str | None = None, callingLineIdPolicy: CallingLineIdPolicy | None = None, callingLineIdPhoneNumber: str | None = None, alternateNumberSettings: AlternateNumberSettings | None = None, enabled: bool | None = None, tollFreeNumber: bool | None = None, language: str | None = None, languageCode: str | None = None, firstName: str | None = None, lastName: str | None = None, timeZone: str | None = None, agents: list[Agent] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

Common attributes of hunt groups and call queues

name: str | None

Unique name

id: str | None

Unique identified

location_name: str | None
location_id: str | None
phone_number: str | None

Primary phone number

extension: str | None


routingPrefix: str | None

Routing prefix of location.

esn: str | None

Routing prefix + extension of a person or workspace.

calling_line_id_policy: CallingLineIdPolicy | None

Which type of Calling LineID Policy Selected for Call Queue.

calling_line_id_phone_number: str | None

Calling line Id Phone number which will be shown if CUSTOM is selected.

alternate_number_settings: AlternateNumberSettings | None

The alternate numbers feature allows you to assign multiple phone numbers or extensions to a call queue. Each number will reach the same greeting and each menu will function identically to the main number. The alternate numbers option enables you to have up to ten (10) phone numbers ring into the call queue.

enabled: bool | None

enabled flag

toll_free_number: bool | None

phone_number is toll_free



language: str | None

Language for call queue.

language_code: str | None

Language code.

first_name: str | None

First name to be shown when calls are forwarded out. Defaults to “.”.

last_name: str | None

Last name to be shown when calls are forwarded out. Defaults to the phone number if set, otherwise defaults to name.

time_zone: str | None

Time zone for the call queue.

agents: list[Agent] | None

People, workspaces and virtual lines that are eligible to receive calls.

property cpapi_id
property bc_id: str | None
create_or_update() str[source]

Get JSON for create or update call



Return type:


class wxc_sdk.telephony.hg_and_cq.Policy(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

Policy controlling how calls are routed to agents.

circular = 'CIRCULAR'

(Max 1,000 agents) This option cycles through all agents after the last agent that took a call. It sends calls to the next available agent.

regular = 'REGULAR'

(Max 1,000 agents) Send the call through the queue of agents in order, starting from the top each time.

simultaneous = 'SIMULTANEOUS'

(Max 50 agents) Sends calls to all agents at once

uniform = 'UNIFORM'

(Max 1,000 agents) Sends calls to the agent that has been idle the longest. If they don’t answer, proceed to the next agent who has been idle the second longest, and so on until the call is answered.

weighted = 'WEIGHTED'

(Max 100 agents) Sends call to idle agents based on percentages you assign to each agent (up to 100%).

class wxc_sdk.telephony.hg_and_cq.Agent(*, firstName: str | None = None, lastName: str | None = None, type: UserType | None = None, id: str, phoneNumber: str | None = None, extension: str | None = None, routingPrefix: str | None = None, esn: str | None = None, weight: str | None = None, skillLevel: int | None = None, joinEnabled: bool | None = None, location: IdAndName | None = None)[source]

Bases: UserBase

agent_id: str

ID of person, workspace or virtual line.

phone_number: str | None

Phone number of person or workspace.

extension: str | None

Extension of person or workspace.

routing_prefix: str | None

Routing prefix of location.

esn: str | None

Routing prefix + extension of a person or workspace.

weight: str | None

Weight of person, workspace or virtual line. Only applied when call policy is WEIGHTED.

skill_level: int | None

Skill level of person, workspace or virtual line. Only applied when the call routingType is SKILL_BASED.

join_enabled: bool | None

Indicates the join status of the agent for this queue. Only for call queues

location: IdAndName | None
property cpapi_id: str
class wxc_sdk.telephony.hg_and_cq.AlternateNumberSettings(*, distinctiveRingEnabled: bool = True, alternateNumbers: list[AlternateNumber] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ApiModel

Alternate number settings for call queue or hunt group

The alternate numbers feature allows you to assign multiple phone numbers or extensions to a call queue or hunt group. Each number will reach the same greeting and each menu will function identically to the main number. The alternate numbers option enables you to have up to ten (10) phone numbers ring into the call queue.

distinctive_ring_enabled: bool

Distinctive Ringing selected for the alternate numbers in the call queue or hunt group overrides the normal ringing patterns set for Alternate Number.

alternate_numbers: list[AlternateNumber] | None

Specifies up to 10 numbers which can each have an overriden distinctive ring setting.

class wxc_sdk.telephony.hg_and_cq.CallingLineIdPolicy(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, SafeEnum

An enumeration.

direct_line = 'DIRECT_LINE'
location_number = 'LOCATION_NUMBER'
customer = 'CUSTOM'